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Introducing the Onewheel+ XR, a brand-new electric scooter that promises to revolutionize your outdoor sports experience. This top-of-the-line model is perfect for thrill-seekers looking for an adventure on wheels. With its powerful motor and durable construction, the Onewheel+ XR is designed to provide maximum speed and stability on any terrain. Whether you're cruising through the city or exploring the great outdoors, this scooter is sure to deliver an unforgettable ride. So why wait? Order yours today and join the Onewheel+ XR community!

Onewheel is a self-balancing electric board-sport, recreational personal transporter, often described as an electric skateboard.
  • Range: 12-18 mile / 19-29 kilometers 
  • Speed: 19 mph / 20 kph
  • Motor: 750W Hypercore hub motor
  • Battery: NMC
  • Sensors: Solid state MEMS 6-DOF
  • Tire: 11.5 in x 6.5-6 in Vega
  • Size: 9.5 in x 11.5 in x 29.5 in (241mm x 292 mm x 750 mm)
  • Weight: 27 lbs.
  • Max. lean angle > 30 degrees
  • Changing time: 60 minutes / Recharge time for a full charge (with hypercharger)
    110 minutes with home charger
  • Digital shaping / Control the way your board rides