Explore the world of Superman with All Star Superman Volume 2, written by Grant Morrison and illustrated by Frank Quitely and Jamie Grant. This modern age comic book from DC Comics features Bizarro Flash, Lilo, Solaris, Steve Lombard, Bizarro, Bizarro Jor-El, Zora, Jimmy Olsen, Jor-El, Van-Zee, Than-Arkansas, Zibarro, Leo Quintum, Cat Grant, Nasthalthia, Perry White, Superman (Clark Kent), Lex Luthor, BAR-El, Lois Lane, Sylva, and Bizarro Green Lantern.

The English language comic book has an issue number of 2 and is part of the All Star Superman series. This collectible item with a genre of superheroes is perfect for fans of US comics and comics & graphic novels. Get lost in the world of Superman with the amazing illustrations by Jamie Grant and Frank Quitely on the cover.