Grab a bargain. When the stock is gone, there will be no more at these prices! 

Packed full of high spec tyre technology, the Michelin Power Performance could well be the closest tyre to a MotoGP tyre that has ever gone on sale to the public. In terms of high level performance, if used correctly, is going to eat KR and V02 for breakfast, lunch and dinner ... as well as a late evening snack!

This tyre is not for the faint hearted and is only to be used by the fastest riders at the most demanding European circuits. We have never really written this quite as blunt about a tyre, but unless you are one of our more experienced AND faster Euro track day customers, then this tyre is NOT for you. Michelin have stated that anyone that is more than 10% off national lap record pace at a circuit, will quite simply not be able to get the best from this tyre and the Michelin Power Slick 2 would be a more suitable option.

For those of you of you who want the best levels of grip and longevity from a tyre, Michelin have created 2 different tyres that can offer this to you. This is quite, not actually, its a VERY technical tyre, so for those of you who are seriously interested in learning more about the product and running it, we highly recommend you speak to James in our Race Support Department about it. James has listed some notes to accompany the images on this listing. We felt letting him and his knowledge loose on this product was very worthwhile. Whilst we appreciate there is more content in here than is ideally suitable for a website listing, this is no ordinary product!

"In our sport, MotoGP (prototype machines) and WSBK (production based machines) are the highest levels of the sport. I love both classes to be honest, and the info we get from both classes are crucial to development of all parts of the sport, bikes, tyres and more. Where we can sell you exactly what Pirellis Mr Rea and Toprak (I know, i wimped out of that surname) use, we have never been able to offer that from Michelin ... until now.

Michelin have always had the "special" tyres that customers couldn't access hidden away behind the scenes with their motorsport department. These tyres always saved for development purposes or use at the very high end of the sport in open competition by selected race teams. When you would ask for what a top EWC team used, you wouldn't even get a reply from a Michelin technician. A very typical French cool shake of the head and wry smile would be the best you got.

Over the past 2 years, where we have seen a reduction in the amount of racing on our calendars, Michelin have been keeping staff busy and sending their motorsport technicians to track days across the globe, to gauge the demand and level of riding at track day events. As has happened with all the manufacturers in the past 5 years, they took note of the high level machinery on track days and how quick some of you really are. Just because you aren't a "racer" doesn't mean you can't pedal a bike around a track at speed! Michelin accepted that their top of the range, saved for racing only product could actually be used by some, but not all, track day riders.

The Michelin Power Performance range is a very special one and, honestly, its only going to work for the faster, European track riders only, where a combination of the fast pace and hotter temperatures help the tyre work as designed. On the training course I had to go on before we were allowed to sell these tyres to customers, the first thing they pointed out was they classed an amateur rider as a VERY fast club racer or track day rider. To give you an idea of how quick that is, they classed our very own "FAST LAD", Dean Ellison, as between professional pace and amateur pace.

There are 2 types of rear tyre available. One is called the Power Performance Slick and the other the Power Performance 24. For the high end customer, with a budget and the want for high level grip over shorter periods of time, the Power Performance Slick is the one for you. For those of you who want that high level of grip and performance, but wish to extend it over as long of a time as possible, the Performance 24 is the ideal tyre for you. I see this 24 tyre as the one for 80% of the customers interested in this product.

As high tech as the tyres are, Michelin have actually made the tyre selection really easy for the customer, which is rare in motorsport - usually we need several tyres for all kinds of eventualities when we get to a circuit. The images on this listing give a good insight as to what compounds work well and why, but ill quickly summarise those for you.

On the front, we have soft, medium or hard to choose from. The soft option would be the go to for me. I think its the tyre most riders would settle on out of choice and I am confident that it will work for you across a range of temperatures and tarmacs. For those who want to explore the front tyre options, we would choose a soft with a lower ground temperature and then the medium when it gets warmer. The hard option, we do not see any customers using. It is for very high temp and extremely fast pace.

I see the Performance 24 tyre being THE tyre to have for our high end customer who is after grip and longevity. From the info shared with me, I think this easily has at least a days wear in, even with the fastest rider at the toughest circuit. There are 3 options with this tyre, but honestly, the "24" option is the tyre to choose here for track day customers. It will provide grip and life, the likes we have possibly never seen. The Soft 24 will only work if pushed very hard in cooler conditions and the Hard 24 for those riders who can push hard in hot conditions. I see these 2 tyres very much a professional use / only for the absolute quickest riders out there.

The Performance Slick comes in 4 compounds, but for track day (and quite simply ease of use) the soft rear covers you for all temperatures and tarmac severities. It hasn't got the life of the 24 tyre, but boy does it have some grip! For those with a budget or a need for new tyres more regularly through an event, these will be the tyres for you to use. Once you have tried them and are satisfied with their performance, you could consider looking to go up in compound stiffness. With Michelin rears, we go harder as the pace and temperature gets hotter. Medium / Soft is next, through to Medium and then up to Medium / Hard. Like the 24 compound, I don't see many of you needing to ever use anything other than the soft compound. If you use it and want more life from it, move to the 24 tyre rather than going for a stronger compound in this tyre.

Tyre pressures are key when using any race tyre, but none more so that the Power Performance. The attached pressure slide shows you were you need to be and at what temperature. We are confident that with fast pace and hot climates, you shouldn't have any issues getting the tyre into its working zone, but you need to be responsible for checking these factors. With any high end product, the operating window is smaller than a lower spec product. Michelin have stated that unless a customer owns a pyrometer to check tyre compound internal temperatures, it is almost pointless using these tyres. Correct tyre temperatures and pressures are key to their correct use and performance levels. We use and sell the Race Sense Gauge, which comes with a pyrometer attachment. You can easily find them in the Michelin main menu.

I think that's all the basics you need to know for now, but I really do recommend a telephone conversation with me to discuss these tyres before you purchase them. Only because we do not want you to buy them and then not get the performance you were expecting at your day because you chose the wrong compound or you are running the the wrong pressure. The only other thing I would suggest is ordering these as far in advance as possible. Whilst we are going to keep a stock of these at NL HQ, the supply is very limited on them and we will only get one delivery a month from the Motorsport factory. I wouldn't want you to be disappointed, to please get your orders in as early as possible before an event. Thanks and look forward to speaking to you soon about the Power Performance range. James"