Labradorite Meaning

The name “labradore” comes from the French word for Labrador where this type of rock was first discovered in 1770 by Morava missionaries in Canada. To this day Labradorite is mined there.

Labradorite has long been used as an amulet to ward off evil spirits and protect the wearer from harm. It was also thought to bring happiness, courage, intuition, strength, and even invisibility to those who possess it.

Gemstone experts believe that the color of Labradorite flickers like lightning. This ethereal quality is especially apparent when the stone is moved under light or dimly lit areas. This has become a part of the labradorite meaning, as some believe that lightning is reflected in the stone. The colors involved in the stone can range from peacock blue to light-blue crystals with other colors mixed in (such as pale green and gold).

Labradorite comes in shades ranging from pale blue, dark blue, green, and yellow, with each shade being more beautiful than the last. The most common shade is a pale gray-blue which flickers with purple and silver.

Labradorite is the traditional birthstone of the month of November. The stone is also linked to the night skies and legend states that the iridescent flashes of the aurora borealis (the northern lights) are what gave these stones their pearly sheen.

Labradorite Uses and Benefits

Labradorite crystals are protective stones that help to repel negative energy and outside forces. It is believed that this gemstone deflects bad vibes and helps the wearer remain grounded and centered. This would be ideal to keep on or around your person if you are involved in psychic work or any other form of metaphysical studies.

Labradorite is also said to bring good luck and prosperity. Some say that it can even help you achieve your dreams by making you more aware of your subconscious feelings and thoughts.

             Labradorite Physical Benefits

The labradorite crystal has many healing properties that can benefit the physical body. Some of the most common ways labradorite stones are used in this way include the following:

  • Circulatory System

    It is thought that labradorite has the ability to increase blood flow and protect the wearer from heart attacks and other circulatory diseases. The labradorite stone can also lower blood pressure.

  • Detoxification

    Because of its metaphysical properties, labradorite is often used by people who struggle with addictions and eating disorders to help them kick bad habits and form healthier ones instead.

  • Respiratory System

    Labradorite gemstones are believed to help reduce asthma attacks and other respiratory diseases. They are beneficial to your lungs and can help soothe colds and bronchitis.

  • Eye Health

    The healing properties of labradorite are thought to help bring the wearer relief from certain eye problems such as migraines.

  • Female Health

    This healing crystal is thought to be beneficial for women who struggle with PMS or other menstrual issues. It is believed that labradorite can help reduce cramps related to menstruation.

  • Pain Relief

    Labradorite is believed to have the ability to reduce pain in all types of issues, including stomach aches, headaches, toothaches, arthritis, muscle spasms, and more.

  • Neurological

    Many people turn to labradorite to help with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, epilepsy, and other brain-related issues. This is because it is thought to stimulate the pituitary gland which in turn releases neurotransmitters that affect your mood and mental capacity (such as dopamine).

            Labradorite Emotional Benefits

There are several labradorite healing properties that can benefit the emotional body and mind as well. Some of these include the

  • Mental Clarity

    Labradorite stones have the ability to open up your mind and help you see things from a new perspective. They are great for people who tend to get stuck in one way of thinking because they can promote clear, logical thinking. Another one of labradorite’s metaphysical properties is that it can help to clear your mind, which can lead to more logical thinking and less irrational thoughts.

  • Depression

    This crystal can help release negative emotions, which may be helpful for people who struggle with negativity or depression. It reduces stress and gives the wearer a sense of empowerment and purpose.

  • Grief

    Labradorite is often used to help heal the grief of a lost loved one, as it helps with accepting their death and moving on (without forgetting them). This can be very beneficial for people who tend to avoid moving forward due to sadness or guilt.

  • Intuition

    An interesting property of labradorite is that it can increase your psychic abilities and enhance your intuition. This makes it a great crystal for people who rely on their sixth sense in work or other areas of life.

  • Inner Peace

    This stone can be very calming and soothing, which is why it is often used as a meditation aid. In addition to being beneficial for those who struggle with anxiety, labradorite stones are also great crystals for use in the home to reduce stress and promote harmony among people living together.

  • Memory

    Labradorite is thought to help improve your cognitive thinking and memory. It also helps increase intelligence and the capacity for learning. Many teens like to use labradorite gemstones to help with studying or preparing for tests because of these properties.

        Labradorite Metaphysical Properties

Not only does this versatile stone aid emotional and physical healing, but it also has metaphysical properties that aid spiritual healing. Here are ways that it can help:

As you can see, labradorite healing properties go way beyond physical and emotional needs. Not only does this stone have amazing healing abilities, but it also has metaphysical powers that can be used for spiritual healing. If you are looking to add a powerful stone to your collection, labradorite is a great choice!

                   Labradorite Chakras

The labradorite crystal works well with all seven of the main chakras. Here is how the labradorite benefits each:

  • Crown Chakra

    Labradorite benefits the crown chakra by helping you recall information and memories from other times and realms. This is beneficial for intuitive and psychic development because it encourages your mind to expand beyond what you normally perceive as possible.

  • Third-Eye Chakra

    The labradorite stone works well with the third-eye chakra because it promotes clear thinking, which helps your developmental abilities. It is also said to stimulate the pineal gland, which promotes clear thinking.

  • Throat Chakra

    The labradorite stone helps with this chakra because it enhances psychic communication and brings you closer to universal energy. If you are new to metaphysical concepts or need to find a source of guidance, labradorite will help you.

  • Heart Chakra

    This chakra is improved with labradorite because it enhances your emotional connection to your higher power. When you are in tune with this aspect of yourself, it is easy to let go of negative emotions and confidently move forward in life.

  • Solar Plexus Chakra

    Labradorite benefits the solar plexus chakra by enhancing your connection to the universe and increasing your energy levels. This makes it easier for you to feel more alive and experience what life has to offer.

  • Sacral Chakra

    The labradorite stone helps balance the sacral chakra by stimulating a healthy sexual drive and increasing your ability to feel pleasures in life. If you want to have more fun, try putting labradorite under your pillow at night.

  • Root Chakra

    The labradorite crystal is said to help with this chakra because it encourages you to connect with the Earth and be grounded. When you become more aware of the energies that surround you, it is easier to understand how they affect your emotions and everyday actions.

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