Enhance the well-being of your aquatic pets with our Premium Indian Almond Leaves. These natural catappa leaves are rich in tannin and offer several benefits:


Health Boost: The tannin content in these leaves promotes better health for your betta fish and shrimp. It enhances their immune system and overall vitality.

Natural Environment: Create a tropical rainforest environment in your aquarium. Catappa leaves help adjust water pH and add essential minerals, making your aquatic friends feel at home.

Successful Breeding: If you’re a breeder, these leaves are a valuable addition to your breeding tanks. They provide hiding spots for fry and encourage successful spawning.

Blackwater Effect: The brown or yellow color produced by tannins gives your tank a natural “blackwater effect.” Many tropical fish species thrive in such environments.

pH Regulation: Tannic acid in the leaves can slightly lower the pH of your water, mimicking the conditions of their native habitats.