Ordnance Survey One Inch Tourist Map of Wye Valley. Edition: Popular Special Sheet.  Publication Date:1929 with periodical correct reprints.

Paper map

A portrait style map covering the River Wye from Hereford to the River Severn at Chepstow. On the Wye, it includes Symonds Yat, Ross on Wye, Monmouth and Tintern, while to the east it includes the Forest of Dean and the towns of Coleford and Cinderford.

It is in very good condition with unusually whole folds for a paper map of this vintage.  This may be because it was pinned to a wall for a time, as evidenced by the pinholes in the four margin corners and some signs of fading due to light exposure.  The covers are excellent, with a very faint signature top front which does not impinge on the Ellis Martin illustration.

Print code: 3037. M36. R32.

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