Ordnance Survey One Inch District Map of London (North). Edition: Popular Special Sheet.  Publication Date:1925. Revised in 1912-14. Roads revised to 11-27. Minor Corrections 1927.

Cloth mounted map

A Special Sheet map of London north of the Thames from Uxbridge to Woolwich and Barking and also featuring the northern home counties to St Albans and Hoddesdon. Lots of open spaces where none now exists!

The covers are showing some signs of shelf wear but are still very presentable. 

Print code: 5000/28.

Discount will be applied where appropriate on postage of multiple purchases bought over a maximum period of four days.  This is one of a number of maps being listed currently.  Up to 10 similar maps may be sent for a maximum of £3.60 postage, so please see my other offers.