Grain dry mycelium of
Suillus luteus - 100 g
Ukrainian Mushrooms

Suillus luteus, commonly known as the slippery jack or sticky bun, is a species of fungus belonging to the Suillaceae family. This edible mushroom is widely distributed in coniferous and mixed forests, forming symbiotic mycorrhizal relationships with various trees, especially pine trees. The cap of Suillus luteus is convex to flat, often sticky when moist, and ranges from yellow to brownish-yellow in color. The pore surface is pale yellow, and the tubes turn greenish when bruised. The stem is firm, often curved, and features a distinctive ring-like zone near the top.

Suillus luteus is valued for its culinary uses in many parts of the world. It is commonly used in soups, stews, and various mushroom dishes due to its mild flavor and firm texture. However, it's crucial to properly identify this mushroom, as some Suillus species are not edible.

Instructions for Planting Suillus luteus (Slippery Jack Mushrooms):

Selecting a Suitable Location:
Choose a planting site in coniferous or mixed forests where pine trees are abundant. Suillus luteus forms symbiotic relationships with pine trees, so it's essential to have the right host trees nearby.

Preparing the Planting Area:
Clear the area around the pine trees, removing any debris and competing vegetation. Loosen the top layer of soil to create a suitable bed for the mycelium to spread.

Acquiring Suillus luteus Mycelium:
Obtain Suillus luteus mycelium from a reputable supplier or source. Mycelium can be purchased in the form of spawn or mycelium-infused substrate.

Planting the Mycelium:
Spread the Suillus luteus mycelium evenly over the prepared bed, ensuring good contact with the soil. If using spawn, mix it thoroughly with the soil.

Covering and Mulching:
Cover the mycelium with a layer of straw or wood chips to retain moisture and protect it from drying out. Mulching also helps in regulating the soil temperature.

Watering and Maintenance:
Water the planted area regularly, especially during dry spells, to keep the soil consistently moist. Suillus luteus mycelium requires a humid environment to thrive. Avoid waterlogging, as excessive moisture can lead to fungal diseases.

Suillus luteus mushrooms typically fruit in late summer or early fall. Harvest the mushrooms when they are young and firm, with the caps still convex. Use a knife to cut the mushrooms at the base of the stem.

Proper identification is crucial. If you are unsure about the mushroom's identity, consult with a mycologist or a knowledgeable expert before consuming any wild mushrooms.

Remember that the cultivation of wild mushrooms requires specific knowledge and attention to detail. Always follow best practices and safety guidelines to ensure a successful and safe harvest.

Items are shipped from Ukraine.
Many countries has specific Phytosanitary regulations,
some countries may restrict imports of plant goods, including seeds.
Please be aware that import customs clearance is your responsibility and it is beyond of our control.
- Seeds are organically grown, DO NOT contain GMO elements.
It's 100 % original and it has been keeping in an appropriate storage condition.

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