The Pokemon Yellow Gameboy Game has been tested, it works, and saves.

Below is the list of included Pokemon & their levels

91 Pokemon and Levels-


1. Arcanine- 100

2. Mewtwo- 100

3. Pikachu- 100

4. Charizard- 100

5. Gyarados- 100

6. Blastoise- 100

7. Alakazam- 100

8. Dragonite- 100

9. Vaporeon- 100

10. Chansey- 100

11. Ninetales- 100

12. Gengar- 100

13. Articuno- 100

14. Hypno- 100

15. Venusaur- 100

16. Scyther- 100

17. Zapdos- 100

18. Arbok- 100

19. Venomoth- 100

20. Muk- 100

21. Weezing- 100


22. Blastoise- 83

23. Mewtwo- 76

24. Ditto- 69

25. Vileplume- 60

26. Rhydon- 60

27. Victreebel- 58

28. Nidoking- 53

29. Sandslash- 52

30. Lickitung- 50

31. Zapdos- 50

32. Moltres- 50

33. Graveler- 50

34. Onyx- 49

35. Executor- 48

36. Kabutops- 43

37. Machoke- 42

38. Nidoking- 42

39. Geodude- 41

40. Nidorino- 41

41. Poliwrath- 41

42. Lapras- 41

43. Pikachu- 40

44. Voltorb- 40

45. Snorlax- 39

46. Muk- 39

47. Venusaur- 38

48. Aerodactyl- 37

49. Geodude- 36

50. Mankey- 36

51. Magnemite- 35

52. Seaking- 35

53. Pidgeotto- 34

54. Magneton- 33

55. Kangaskhan- 33

56. Dewgong- 32

57. Charmeleon- 32

58. Nidorina- 32

59. Pinsir- 30

60. Hitmonlee- 30

61. Kabuto- 30

62. Kingler- 30

63. Nidoran- 29

64. Mr. Mime- 28

65. Slowpoke 28

66. Doduo- 28

67. Primeape- 28

68. Nidoqueen- 27

69. Porygon- 26

70. Eevee- 25

71. Seadra- 25

72. Ryhorn- 25

73. Krabby- 25

74. Goldeen- 25

75. Fearow- 24

76. Psyduck- 24

77. Venonat- 24

78. Golbat- 23

79. Raticat- 23

80. Wigglytuff- 22

81. Spearow- 22

82. Machop- 21

83. Chansey- 21

84. Hitmonchan- 20

85. Tentacool- 20

86. Jigglypuff- 19

87. Diglett- 18

88. Magikarp- 15

89. Bellsprout- 14

90. Sandshrew- 14

91. Squirtle- 12

None of the Pokemon were leveled up via the rare candy cheat (I can’t attest to this for the level 100 Gyarados, I got it in a trade).

Purchases made on Saturday & Sunday will be shipped out on Monday.

Thank you for looking.