This is the first issue of "Damage (volume 1) Out of Control" by Robert Venditti, published by DC Comics in 2018. The story revolves around Ethan Avery, who turns into a raging monster whenever he loses control, causing destruction and mayhem everywhere he goes. He is recruited into the Suicide Squad to be a weapon for the government, but he soon realizes that he is being used for their own purposes. The series features a diverse cast of characters, including familiar faces from the DC Universe such as Cyborg, Wonder Woman, and Batman, as well as original characters like Ethan's mother and the members of Colonel Jonas' team.The trade paperback format collects the first six issues of the series and features cover art by Tomeu Morey, Tony S. Daniel, and Danny Miki. "Damage" is a must-read for fans of superhero comics who enjoy action-packed stories with compelling characters and high-stakes drama.

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