Your chance to own a 1951 NEW YORK YANKEES SKETCHBOOK/YEARBOOK (50th Golden Anniversary Edition (1901-1951) purchased at Souveneir's and Sporting Goods Team Outfitters 840 River Ave. Bronx N.Y. Opposite the Old Yankee Stadium.

All 48 Pages are intact. There are photos and articles about all the greats RUTH, GEHRIG, BERRA and Lots of articles and photos of Yankee History.  The centerfold is the 1950 New York Yankees World Champions Team Photo.  There is even a photo and an article about new rookie MICKEY MANTLE.

This 73-Year Old Yearbook has some frayed edges on front, a couple of small door-ears inside and some pages which have light crinkles but overall it is in very nice condition.

On the 1st page there is some writing where a woman named Lyndora Patrie commented that David went to New York on August 24-1952, which was his first time he saw a major league ball game. New York v. Detroit Yankees 4-Tigers 2.  To me it only adds to the provenance of this yearbook.  

See scans before Bidding.  Please contact me with any questions.