Always for best search results click newly listed instead of old best match.          If you like this click to see my other items.           .1 new in stock                                          This tos transporter chamber wall is mego scale as the gaileo shuttle made 9 1/4 inch tall"This is a re-creation....TOS transporter wall translight set prints for people building a tos transporter chamber  Star Trek scale.   use Led strip ((((walmart $9)))) so dont lose your chance. in this (((((((auction 1 print )))). selling as is - no refunds looks exact as photos, it will look Excellent! This will be carefully packed and double boxed to make sure it gets from here to there Safe! last 9 photos not included but listed....transporter paper model translight wall....see my other items i can also print any size up too life size at 7 feet tall