Haunted Doll/Extreme Activity. I bought her from a paranormal investigator and she is extremely active! There is a dark energy about her, I did some investigating and it seems to be a demonic entity! At first it was trying to fool me and pretended to be a child, but I could feel something dark and sinister. I kept investigating using religious provocation, and hell broke loose! I was severely bitten on my hand, scratched, and almost pushed down the stairs! The air turned cold around the vessel,and I could feel extreme hate and heard low growling coming from the vessel. I quickly poured holy water on it, saying prayers and put the vessel back inside its case! This demon can become dangerous if provoked! I did it to see what it can do, but won't do it again or do not recommend anyone else do it! It sets off cat balls,emf meters, responds through different paranormal apps like the spirit talker. Please use extreme caution when handling! Have a case ready and holy water on hand in case things get out of control! Only for the most seasoned collectors! Ebay says anything supernatural is only for fun! PS I WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE, SICKNESS, INJURY THAT MAY OCCURR, ONCE THE DOLL IS IN YOUR POSSESSION! BEFORE IT LEAVES MY HOME I WILL SAY PRAYERS OVER IT AND BLESS IT WITH HOLY WATER FOR ITS JOURNEY TO ITS NEW HOME! PS STAND IS INCLUDED!