Name written on the inside. See pictures. Other than the name, seems to have not even been read. Ugh

Get ready for an exciting adventure with Super Diaper Baby: The Invasion of the Potty Snatchers. This graphic novel, written by Dav Pilkey, is a perfect addition to any collection of humorous stories, action and adventure, and comics and graphic novels. The book is in English, has 192 pages, and weighs 14.1 ounces. It measures 8.5 inches in length and 5.7 inches in width, with a height of 0.6 inches.

The story revolves around the theme of superheroes and potty snatchers, making it a unique and interesting read. Published by Scholastic, Incorporated in 2011, this hardcover book is perfect for fans of the Captain Underpants series. With its engaging illustrations and an exciting plot, Super Diaper Baby: The Invasion of the Potty Snatchers is a must-have for any book lover.