Includes a great, rare traveler’s map for Kenya and Tanzania, two large tropical East African nations (located on either side of the Equator, on Africa’s Indian Ocean coastline). The two countries share the famous Serengeti region, a high-elevation tropical grassland plain, noted for its abundant wildlife (lions, leopards, hyenas and cheetahs) and the annual migration of millions of wildebeest, zebra, gazelle and antelope, and are popular destinations for safari tourism. The map shows the terrain and major roads for both Kenya and Tanzania, along with the major national parks and game preserves of both countries (where Swahili is the official language, but English is also widely spoken), as well as other sites of interest (beautiful tropical islands and beaches along the Indian Ocean, snowcapped volcanoes inland, and paleontological sites documenting early humans; Tanzania is widely considered to be home of the first man) (from Collins, 2001); and an excellent foldout map & guide to Serengeti’s Great Migration (“Serengeti in Motion” from National Geographic, 2021), featuring a map centered on Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park and neighboring Kenya’s Masai Mara National Park (which occupies the main routes of the Migration) on one side, along with an illustrated guide to the main landscapes in this extraordinary region of the world (grassland plains, savanna and woodlands) along with the flora & fauna of each.