Nicole Miller Silk Pink Floral Sleeveless Mini Summer Dress Women Sz 8

The Nicole Miller Silk Pink Floral Sleeveless Mini Summer Dress is a must-have for any woman's wardrobe. Made from high-quality silk, this dress is both comfortable and stylish. The pink floral pattern is perfect for the summer season, and the sleeveless design keeps you cool on hot days. The mini length adds a touch of playfulness to the dress, making it perfect for both casual and formal occasions. Overall, this dress is a great investment for any fashion-forward woman looking to add a versatile piece to her collection.

L: 33
W: 29
A: 16.5

Great used condition

Style Tags: Sleeveless, Floral, Mini, Mini Dress, Summer, Spring, Summer Dress, Cocktail, Cocktail dress, Date night, Night out, Girls Night, Flirty, Sexy, 100% Silk, Silk