A fantastic collectible from 1980 and a classic comedy, PRIVATE BENJAMIN.  This was a huge success for GOLDIE HAWN and the film received 3 Academy Award nominations, including the script for original screenplay, Hawn for Best Actress, and Eileen Brennan for Supporting Actress.

This is a reproduction script of the original that belonged to the actress playing Henri's mother.  Her part was short, only in the final few scenes, but she had several of the actors sign the script for her....including GOLDIE HAWN, SAM WANAMAKER, MARY KAY PLACE, and ARMAND ASSANTE.  Note that it is also signed by director Howard Ziff. 

So much fun to read the details and follow the script while watching the film, it has been nicely bound with a clear cover and the cover page reproduced in color to better capture the signatures and the now vintage nature. The script is a total of 143 pages.  The final pages at the end leading up to the wedding in France are where the scenes with Henri's mother take place so note those last few pages are reproduced in their colored revision pages.