Had to put price so high

But please check my other items

It will be the same Jamaican stone but price £39.99 an that will last good few months, this works amazing on delaying best for premature ejaculation, I been using an selling this over 15/20 years, I know the manufacturer this is the highest grade not fake or low quality!!

Original highest grade Jamaican stone is expensive because it’s hard to get an price keeps going up because of market movement an production running out.

Most if not all will claim their products is the highest grade

But if you know about this product,

you would know straight away after use our product is the highest grade 100% pure.

Most resellers can’t get this item because it is running out, manufacturers counter put a lock so it can’t leave their country, we get it because we are one of the oldest clients, still with risk.

Most if not all resellers, they end up getting fake or low quality an not very accurate on the size, we cut each stone an make sure it’s very close to exact measurement, stone is very hard to cut.

Sometimes few points up few points down.

How to use.

Please go easy when you use this, it is very concentrated.

Rub the stone on the palm of your hand with necessary amount of water, until water changes colour to milky, more you rub the stone more thicker milky the water, more stronger the effect.

Apply that milky water only on the head of the penis, please don’t let it touch any other part of the body.

After 10/12 minutes wash it of the head of the penis ((thoroughly)) with soap, making sure that all residue has been removed from the head of the penis.

Now ready.

If you get slight burning sensation please try to wash the residue off little early.

So start of with leaving it on for 5/7 minutes then see result. If you need increase the time on leaving it on longer.

Only for external use, please do not consume it.

If Stone is swallowed by accident, seek medical advice immediately.

Please making sure keeping it away from children's reach.

Thank you.

Please save our details.
