Product Description:

Selling as is for parts, I don’t know the gb or anything, Serial number: FVFD130YP3XY. Sold for salvageable parts only. Cracked bezel.

POLICY: While we try our best to properly describe items that are not functional, there is a lot of uncertainty that remains. We acquire electronics from different backgrounds including schools/corporate environments and are not able to provide a full report on product history as we acquired them and simply don’t know. That being said, We try to provide many details including serial number and imei which can be used to provide some information such as GB, CARRIER, etc. If you are not able to retrieve info with serial number/imei, then we do not recommend this product for you.

When an item is posted for parts or not working, please understand that we are selling it strictly for parts. This is NOT A TEST PROJECT where buyers can buy an item, attempt to repair it and then return it claiming there was something not as described. PLEASE BE KIND AND RESPECTFUL AS WE TRY TO NEGOTIATE COMPETITIVE PRICES FROM OUR VENDORS FOR OUR CUSTOMERS. We have thousands of products processed on a monthly basis and unfortunately do not have time to go into detail about every product.