Portrait of Landscapes
A poetic venture into the Australian outback, it's past, present and colour.

The Australian landscape - a magnet for the artist and for the poet. This book is the work of both. No Australian - ever - has seen the bush, or read an Aussie bush ballad, without "feeling" something grand. Something wonderful that is forever Australian in its beauty, in its size, in its colour.

While the layman sees the awesome view, it's the artist and the poet, who dig deep - into the soul of this ancient landmass adorned most often with nature's caresses and gifts, but now and then her awesome violent temper.

It's a land where artistic licence is not really necessary. It gives itself in its rawness, in its golden dawns and its starfilled nights. In its greens and reds and yellows. In its blue forever skies.

Be warned before the Aussie artist and the bard-like Aussie poet present their loving works.

Having viewed and read - and felt - you will never be the same.