Ordnance Survey of England One Inch Tourist Map of Cheltenham and District. Edition: Popular Tourist.  Publication Date:1922. 

Cloth mounted map

The first printing of an attractive layered map covering much of Gloucestershire from Stroud in the south, Moreton in Marsh and Stow on the Wold in the east, Chipping Campden and Tewkesbury in the north, to Newent in the west.

This is called a District Map on the cover but is designated as a Tourist Map in the top right corner of the map.

The overall impression is of a very good used map.  The cloth backing is strong and mostly white, with some pinholes where the folds meet.  These do not affect any significant features on the map face.  The covers are fixed directly to the cloth backing and have signs of use. The Arthur Palmer illustration is relatively unmarked.

Edition/Print code: none

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