Ordnance Survey One Inch Map of North East Wales. Edition: Popular Special Sheet.  Publication Date:1931. Minor corrections 1930. Roads revised to 2.27

Cloth mounted map

This large map covers the North Wales coast from Llandulas and Rhyl to Flint, the Dee estuary and a part of Wirral.  Further south it extends to Corwen, Llangollen and Wrexham.

The overall impression of this map is generally grubby, especially the folds and covers, but closer examination shows that most folds are little worn and could usefully be cleaned. The cloth backing is strong and has only three or four pinholes. The covers are definitely well handled and have stains but they are good and fully attached to the map.

This seems to be one of the least popular of the Special Popular sheets and is now relatively scarce so this is a good opportunity to fill a gap until a better copy turns up.

Print code: 5050/32

Discount will be applied where appropriate on postage of multiple purchases bought over a maximum period of four days.  This is one of a number of maps being listed currently.  Up to 10 similar maps may be sent for a maximum of £3.60 postage, so please see my other offers.