• Own your own Z80 SBC
This listing is for a built and tested version of the SBC The Southern Cross. I have built several and this one is now surplus to requirements. I am selling it mainly to help cover the costs of the one I am keeping for my use and also because I believe there are a good many people who would like the chance to re-visit the 80/90’s computing world but don’t have the facilities to produce there own boards.

It’s main use is in low level access to Z80 instructions - mainly as a learning tool.

The board features:

Z80-cpu (currently clocked at 4mhz or slow variable clock)
8k ROM with V1.8 Monitor
8k RAM 
Onboard keypad for programming directly and/or debugging 
Onboard display
Onboard Power regulator (Input to the board is 8-15v DC or AC, an adapter is required for this - not supplied)
Bit Banged serial port at up to 9600b (default is 4800b) for use in talking to the board from a PC etc) Requires a separate FTDI adapter - not supplied.

This design was developed by Craig Jones in the early 90’s. It’s based on the TEC-1 Computer that was designed by John Hardy and Ken Stone in 1983 and appeared in Australia's Talking Electronics Magazine Issue 10 March 1983. The Southern Cross was sold as a DIY Kit. Today you can find published details by Craig on GitHub:


You can get information, instructions and software from GitHub, including a blank PCB or you can order one via pcbway.

There is also a Facebook group to discus the board.


Articles about The Southern Cross Computer appeared in Australia's Silicon Chip Magazine in the August 1993 edition. A follow up article appeared in Silicon Chip in December 1993 describing the 8x8 LED Matrix and 8 Channel Relay add-on board.

In addition to this board you will need to add your own PSU 8-15v (many 12v ones available on Ebay and the like) it can be a DC or AC version.

If you wish to use it with a PC you will also need an FTDI serial to USB adapter.

Make sure you read and understand what this board is before you buy, please feel free to ask questions.