Explore the Horus Heresy with this captivating novel, "Horus Heresy: The Damnation of Pythos" by David Annandale. Immerse yourself in the world of non-fiction narrative, set in the year 2015, and discover the fascinating story of the Horus Heresy. This small paperback edition is the perfect addition to any book collection, written in English and published by Games Workshop in the United Kingdom.

The book is part of the Horus Heresy series and focuses on the topic of books. It is ideal for those who enjoy novels and non-fiction narratives. The author, David Annandale, brings to life the story of the Horus Heresy with his captivating writing style. This item is perfect for anyone who loves books and wants to add a fascinating read to their collection.

Book is first edition and in very good condition - see photos.