Retaliator Bomber / Upgrades

Ich biete hier für das Spiel Star Citizen im Store nicht erhältliche Upgrades zum Aegis Dynamics Retaliator Bomber an.

Falls euer bestehendes Schiff LTI besitzt, wird dies beim Upgrade mit übernommen.

"The Aegis Dynamics’ Retaliator has landed! One of the United Empire of Earth’s most powerful warbirds, the Retaliator was designed as a fearsome weapons platform designed to strike and kill capital ships. A key portion of the UEE’s power projection, Retaliator squadrons have served with distinction against outlaws, the Vanduul and elsewhere. This version of the Retaliator includes the bomb bay and torpedo launcher."

CIG hat den Retaliator Bomber im Prinzip aus dem Store entfernt.
Alte Retailiator Bomber-Upgrades wie diese hier angebotenen sind jetzt Retaliator Base-Pledges und haben die Module im "Extras"-Bereich aufgelistet.

Diese hier angebotenen Retaliator Bomber-Upgrades erstellen eine "normalen" Retaliator Base, allerdings mit beiden Torpedomodulen. Für diese Module gilt der gleiche Versicherungsschutz wie der des Basisschiffs.
In Bezug auf die CCU-Kette wird das Schiff allerdings "herabgestuft" auf die 175 $ der Retaliator Base.
Allerdings: Vermutlich immer noch der beste Weg, an LTI-Module zu gelangen.

Verfügbare Upgrades:

- Constellation Andromeda to Retaliator Bomber
- Mercury Star Runner to Retaliator Bomber
- Vanguard Warden to Retaliator Bomber

Da Pakete, Schiffe und Items nur einmal verschenkt werden können, kann dieses Item nach Erhalt nicht weiterverschenkt werden. Die Möglichkeit, Items in Store Credits umzuwandeln, besteht aber weiterhin.


Retaliator Bomber / Upgrades

I am offering upgrades to the Aegis Dynamics Retaliator Bomber for Star Citizen that are not available in the store.
If your existing ship comes with LTI,
it will be included after the upgrade.

"The Aegis Dynamics’ Retaliator has landed! One of the United Empire of Earth’s most powerful warbirds, the Retaliator was designed as a fearsome weapons platform designed to strike and kill capital ships. A key portion of the UEE’s power projection, Retaliator squadrons have served with distinction against outlaws, the Vanduul and elsewhere. This version of the Retaliator includes the bomb bay and torpedo launcher."

CIG has essentially removed the Retaliator Bomber from the store.
Old Retailiator Bomber upgrades like these ones offered here are now Retaliator Base Pledges and have the modules listed in the "Extras" section.

These Retaliator Bomber upgrades offered here create a "normal" Retaliator Base, but with both torpedo modules. The same insurance coverage as that of the base ship applies to these modules.
However, in terms of the CCU chain, the ship is “downgraded” to the $175 Retaliator Base.
However: Probably still the best way to get LTI modules.

Available upgrades:

- Constellation Andromeda to Retaliator Bomber
- Mercury Star Runner to Retaliator Bomber
- Vanguard Warden to Retaliator Bomber

Since packages and ships can only be gifted once, this item can not be given away any further. The ability to convert items to store credits still exists.

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