You are inspecting a mostly Mars late war German army for Bolt Action Wargame rules. There are 15 STG 44 assault rifles, 9 riflemen, 4 submachine guns, 3 with panzer faust, 3 light machine (1 man each), 1 heavy machine gun (w/ 2 man crew), 2 officers, 2 man mortar team (doubles for 75mm anti tank gun),1 observer,1 flame thrower 1 FOV tank crewman and1 sniper figure. 

    The vehicles are 1 Dinky kubelwagen, 1 FOV Panzer IV (maybe missing accessories), 1 FOV SDK222 recon car (the guns are replaced with piano wire and plastic tubing), 1 CTS german half track, one 3D print 75mm antitank gun.These are great for 54mm wargaming such games as Bolt Action, Force on Force or Flames of War with modifications to ground scale and ranges. 

If you see something you wanted in an auction feel free to ask for a "buy it now" auction. I have been working on mid/ late war ETO and PTO so if there is something you don't see please ask.  

Please inspect the photos as these are the figures you receive. Only the figures and vehicles are in this auction.

Sold as is, no returns.

thanks for the look.