This listing is for the booking of Amtrak travel up to 26k points which costs $999 regularly.

**Looking to save on Amtrak travel?**

This service helps you buy Amtrak points and book tickets efficiently. Here's how it works:

1. Find an itinerary that costs at least 26,000 points. If your itinerary costs less, message me to create a custom listing (typically 50% off the regular price of points)

2. Send me the details of your desired trip.

3. I'll handle the booking process for you.

**Why this method?**

Amtrak has fees associated with transferring points directly. This method allows both of us to potentially avoid those fees and maximize the value of the points.

**Need a lower points value?**

Just let me know, and I can create a custom listing for you at a discounted rate (typically 50% off the regular points cost).

**The benefit?**

By using this service, you can potentially redeem your points for travel at a significant discount (around 50% off the regular points price).

Points will not be transferred unless you are willing to cover the associated fees. This will still be cheaper at the end of the day compared to buying points at the regular price, it just won't be the maximum value as explained above.