MTG Magic The Gathering Gruul Omnath, Locus of Rage Elemental Tribal Budget 100 Card Commander Deck

I have a bunch of cards just sitting around so I’ve put them together into budget Commander Decks.

The vast majority of cards are near mint but a few might be lightly played.

TOTAL: 100 cards

1 Omnath, Locus of Rage [OTC]

1 Akoum Hellhound (Showcase) [ZNR]

1 Fire Shrine Keeper [XLN]

1 Scorch Spitter [M20]

1 Ashling the Pilgrim [CMM]

1 Chandra's Embercat [M20]

1 Chandra's Magmutt [M21]

1 Chandra's Pyreling (Showcase) [M21]

1 Fire Urchin [GRN]

1 Igneous Cur [M21]

1 Smelt-Ward Ignus [RNA]

1 Ball Lightning [M10]

1 Valakut Predator [BFZ]

1 Coal Stoker [DMR]

1 Lightning Elemental [TMP]

1 Magmaroth [HOU]

1 Pyroceratops [IKO]

1 Fire Elemental [LIST]

1 Granitic Titan [LIST]

1 Hearth Elemental [WOE]

1 Lava Serpent [IKO]

1 Igneous Elemental [MH1]

1 Blanchwood Prowler [BRO]

1 Vine Gecko [ZNR]

1 Bloodbriar [EMN]

1 Fertilid [IKO]

1 Foundation Breaker [MH2]

1 Gaea's Protector [DOM]

1 Thicket Crasher [M20]

1 Embodiment of Insight [ZNC]

1 Vengeful Creeper [MKM]

1 Vorstclaw [M20]

1 Wakeroot Elemental [M20]

1 Thorn Elemental [DOM]

1 Arboretum Elemental [GRN]

1 Brushfire Elemental (Showcase) [ZNR]

1 Furious Rise [M21]

1 Nissa's Zendikon [ZNR]

1 Fling [ELD]

1 Sizzling Barrage [ZNR]

1 Force of Rage [MH1]

1 Trumpet Blast [M19]

1 Uncaged Fury [M20]

1 Trick Shot [OTJ]

1 Bull's Strength [AFR]

1 Gift of Growth [DOM]

1 Might of Murasa [ZNR]

1 Ram Through [IKO]

1 Swell of Growth [BFZ]

1 Tumbleweed Rising [OTJ]

1 Vengeant Earth [MOM]

1 Springsage Ritual [EMN]

1 Clear Shot [OTP]

1 Boiling Earth [BFZ]

1 Ral's Reinforcements [MOM]

1 Roil Eruption [ZNR]

1 Demolish [KLD]

1 Adventurous Impulse [IKO]

1 Prey Upon [EMN]

1 Earthen Arms [BFZ]

1 Root Out [SOI]

1 Seek the Horizon [LIST]

1 Savage Smash [OTP]

1 Implement of Ferocity [AER]

1 Gruul Cluestone [DGM]

1 Command Tower [OTC]

1 Evolving Wilds [M13]

1 Gruul Turf [ZNC]

1 Gruul Guildgate (249) [RNA]

1 Kazandu Refuge [LIST]

1 Promising Vein [LCI]

1 Racers' Ring (Showcase) [SNC]

1 Rugged Highlands [KTK]

1 Terramorphic Expanse [CMM]

1 Thriving Bluff [JMP]

1 Timber Gorge [M19]

2 Mountain (262) [DOM]

2 Mountain (263) [DOM]

2 Mountain (264) [DOM]

2 Mountain (265) [DOM]

2 Mountain (0284) [OTJ]

2 Mountain (109) [J22]

2 Forest (266) [DOM]

2 Forest (267) [DOM]

2 Forest (268) [DOM]

2 Forest (269) [DOM]

2 Forest (247) [M14]

2 Forest (111) [J22]