Large 5" 271g  Beautiful Zebra Calcite Crystal Heart Dish Bowl Jewelry Holder

This big, beautiful crystal heart shaped bowl is beautifully carved out of Zebra Calcite and is 5" wide and 1.5" deep!

It weighs 271g

She has fantastic patterns of black, white and yellow stripes all over it!

Hold it up to a light and watch her calcite glow!!   I took several close-up photos that show her beautiful patterns and stripes!  (See photos)

You can charge your crystals in it, place it on your altar, use it to hold your jewelry, trinkets, herbs..lots of things! (Jewelry not included)

Zebra Calcite is meant to promote Cleansing, Balance, and Positivity. It can help to rid any environment of energy that feels unsettled, chaotic, or heavy. It's names come from its zebra-like stripes which are created by "phantom" minerals

She is ready to protect you from negative energy and clear your space!

She was charged on selenite and ready to work with her special Keeper