MTG Magic The Gathering Mono Red Pashalik Mons Goblin Tribal Budget 100 Card Commander Deck

I have a bunch of cards just sitting around so I’ve put them together into budget Commander Decks.

The vast majority of cards are near mint but a few might be lightly played.

TOTAL: 100 cards

1 Pashalik Mons (Retro Frame) [DMR]

1 Squee, Dubious Monarch (Showcase) [DMU]

1 Akki Scrapchomper [MOM]

1 Cacophony Scamp [ONE]

1 Foundry Street Denizen [GTC]

1 Goblin Arsonist [M21]

1 Goblin Champion [MH1]

1 Goblin Motivator [M19]

1 Mogg Conscripts [TMP]

1 Mogg Fanatic [TMP]

1 Mogg Raider [TMP]

1 Reckless Lackey [OTJ]

1 Skirk Prospector [DMR]

1 Spear Spewer [RNA]

1 Tin Street Dodger [RVR]

1 Torch Courier [GRN]

1 Weaselback Redcap [ELD]

1 Bloodstone Goblin [DOM]

1 Ember Hauler [M20]

1 Goblin Bird-Grabber [M20]

1 Goblin Elite Infantry [MIR]

1 Goblin Instigator [M19]

1 Goblin Locksmith [GRN]

1 Goblin Picker [DMU]

1 Goblin Tinkerer [MIR]

1 Innocent Bystander [MKM]

1 Mogg War Marshal [DMR]

1 Subterranean Scout [DMR]

1 Boggart Brute [M19]

1 Goblin Matron [DMR]

1 Goblin Medics [DMR]

1 Goblin Smuggler [M20]

1 Raging Redcap [ELD]

1 Redcap Raiders [ELD]

1 Rummaging Goblin [XLN]

1 Spikeshot Goblin [CMM]

1 Treasure Nabber [CMM]

1 Daggersail Aeronaut [M20]

1 Redcap Heelslasher [MOM]

1 Twinshot Sniper [NEO]

1 Invasion of Mercadia [MOM]

1 Mechanized Warfare [BRO]

1 Outnumber [BFZ]

1 Rush of Adrenaline [SOI]

1 First Day of Class [STX]

1 Thunder Salvo [OTJ]

1 Mogg Salvage [MH2]

1 Trumpet Blast [M19]

1 Radiating Lightning [M19]

1 Volcanic Upheaval [BFZ]

1 Command the Storm [GRN]

1 Highway Robbery [OTJ]

1 Krenko's Command [RVR]

1 Magmatic Chasm [SOI]

1 Tormenting Voice [M19]

1 Direct Current [GRN]

1 Goblin Gathering [RNA]

1 Seize the Spoils [KHM]

1 Empty the Warrens [DMR]

1 Fire of Orthanc [LTR]

1 Goblin War Party [MH1]

1 Wrap in Flames [THB]

1 Fiery Intervention [DOM]

1 Lava Axe [M19]

1 Tormentor's Helm [KHM]

1 The Autonomous Furnace [ONE]

1 Haunted Fengraf [C18]

1 Hidden Volcano [LCI]

1 Looming Spires [BFZ]

1 Myriad Landscape [C21]

1 Smoldering Crater [DMR]

1 Teetering Peaks [ZEN]

3 Mountain (262) [DOM]

3 Mountain (263) [DOM]

3 Mountain (264) [DOM]

2 Mountain (265) [DOM]

5 Mountain (401) [VOW]

8 Mountain (275) [ONE]

4 Mountain (0283) [MKM]