Baphomet Ring

 Baphomet's two horns represents duality and the lotus flame that burns between them represents the eternal flame that destroys duality and causes us to see everything as connected to the universe that surrounds us. The flame is symbolic of the light of universal equilibrium.

When the medieval order of the Knights Templar was suppressed by King Philip IV of France, on Friday, October 13, 1307, King Philip had many French Templars simultaneously arrested, and then tortured into confessions. The name Baphomet comes up in several of these confessions, in reference to an idol of some type that the Templars were said to have been worshipping. The description of the object changed from confession to confession. Some Templars denied any knowledge of it. Others, under torture, described it as being either a severed head, a cat, or a head with three faces.

You can choose from the following stones: Red (Ruby), Green (Emerald), Purple (Amethyst) Blue (sapphire)

 If you need this item in gold, just contact me for price.

Si quieres este articulo en oro, consultame el precio.