The Borsalino Beaver Maestoso - 100% Beaver Felt - Charcoal Grey or Averla Brown

Borsalino Beaver Fur Felt Fedora - This is Borsalino at it's finest.A rare and exquisite fedora made of 100% Beaver Fur Felt.With a traditional center dent-pinch front block in the crown and a 2-1/2" brim that portrays fashion and distinction.Also featuring a plush ,gold embossed leather sweatband of the highest quality,double bowed grosgrain hatband and branded satin lining.
A decorative lapel button and custom Borsalino Hatbox are included as well.
With a plush feel you must experience for yourself.
If you really want the best,here it is!


***Please be advised that these are the finest hats you can buy ,but occasionally run a size small, we ship the size that measures exactly to the size that you order***

Shipped in it's own custom Borsalino Hatbox.There are 3 different Borsalino Hat boxes, all are black with gold writing.