Magnetic Water Descaler Limescale Remover  Conditioner Softener
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Magnetic Descaler will take care 
of that clogging scalepipe with scale
Size : 75 x 45 x 40mm

1 x Magnetic in the package

◆ Simply installed around the outside of the piping. 

   No tools-no cutting of water lines required,install Magnetic by following instruction  picture.Magnetic is held around the water pipe by supplied cable ties.

◆Magnetic contains a powerful permanent magnets, so it can be used permanently without an external power source.

◆ Improves water quality without using chemicals, so there is no worry about secondarypollution.

◆ Since it is installed outside the piping, it is maintenance free

As attached picture shown, while the water pass through our device, they will be softened and magnetized.About Hard Water: Basically, water moves through the earth dissolving minerals, holding them in solution as salts, consisting mainly of calcium and magnesium. Most of these salts eventually deposit themselves as scale in your pipes, water heaters and other appliances which use water. Scale build-up is the result of a natural crystallization process which is accelerated by heating. The energy loss of trying to heat water through scale is substantial. A one-half inch thick layer of scale in your water heater will retard heat transfer by up to 70%.The strong NdFeB magnet part Forces +/- hydronium temporarily into cathode to exchange water molecule and mineral hydronium,makes Ca2+/Mg2+to unite electron, and has no cation function temporarily.Hence, even heating, it doesn't unite hydronium---for example So42-, The part makes water not to scale any more.Magnetic filter part makes water soft, and scale will be never produced in water pipe.

How do the Magnetic Water Softener work? 

Very simply to be installed around the water pipe. By passing the water through an ultra-powerful focused flux magnetic field, these minerals and other materials become suspended in the water - losing their ability to stick to things. This effect is so durable, it takes almost 2 full days before the elements in the water start to regain their bonding power.

In most homes, this is more than enough time for your water to travel from where it enters the home to when it goes down the drain and into the sewage system.

KING POWER HIGH QUALITY LARGE Magnetic Water Conditioner limescale remover 1 PAIRS IN ONE SET (fit 1/2~2 inch pipe) *SUPER LARGE KING SIZE, *500% POWERFUL THAN NORMAL MAGNETIC WATER CONDITIONER. *DURABLE LUXURY ALUMINIUM CASE. *EARY TO INSTALL. *SUITABLE FOR super big house & small insustrial use. As we know: Water, without fail, is our most precious resource as it contains much nutrition your body needs to operate correctly. Our Magnetic Water Conditioner will create an unlimited supply of magnetic "soft " water. This means minerals, which have a tendency to clump together will now instead push away from each other making them smaller and as a result, easier to assimilate into your body. This is a good thing as many in the world are mineral deficient. In addition, magnetic fields also promote healing. How does it works? As attached picture shown, while the water pass through our device, they will be softened and magnetized. About Hard Water: Basically, water moves through the earth dissolving minerals, holding them in solution as salts, consisting mainly of calcium and magnesium. Most of these salts eventually deposit themselves as scale in your pipes, water heaters and other appliances which use water. Scale build-up is the result of a natural crystallization process which is accelerated by heating. The energy loss of trying to heat water through scale is substantial. A one-half inch thick layer of scale in your water heater will retard heat transfer by up to 70%. The strong NdFeB magnet part Forces +/- hydronium temporarily into cathode to exchange water molecule and mineral hydronium,makes Ca2+/Mg2+to unite electron, and has no cation function temporarily.Hence, even heating, it doesn't unite hydronium---for example So42-, The part makes water not to scale any more.Magnetic filter part makes water soft, and scale will be never produced in water pipe. ◆ Simply installed around the outside of the piping. No tools-no cutting of water lines required,install Magnetic by following instruction picture.Magnetic is held around the water pipe by supplied cable ties.◆Magnetic contains a powerful permanent magnets, so it can be used permanently without an external power source. ◆ Improves water quality without using chemicals, so there is no worry about secondary pollution. ◆ Since it is installed outside the piping, it is maintenance free. What is Hard Water? Magnetic Descaler will take care of that clogging scale pipe with scale Just look at the pile of limescale which came from these . As water moves through soil and rock, it dissolves very small amounts of minerals and holds them in solution. Calcium and magnesium dissolved in water are the two most common minerals that make water "hard." The degree of hardness becomes greater as the calcium and magnesium content increases. Water is a good solvent and picks up impurities easily. Pure water -- tasteless, colorless, and odorless -- is often called the universal solvent. When water is combined with carbon dioxide to form very weak carbonic acid, an even better solvent results. As water moves through soil and rock, it dissolves very small amounts of minerals and holds them in solution. Calcium and magnesium dissolved in water are the two most common minerals that make water "hard." The degree of hardness becomes greater as the calcium and magnesium content increases. How do the Magnetic Water Softener work? Very simply to be installed around the water pipe. By passing the water through an ultra-powerful focused flux magnetic field, these minerals and other materials become suspended in the water - losing their ability to stick to things. This effect is so durable, it takes almost 2 full days before the elements in the water start to regain their bonding power. In most homes, this is more than enough time for your water to travel from where it enters the home to when it goes down the drain and into the sewage system. What are the benefits of Our Water Softener? In just a few months you will begin to save money from energy savings. Over the years you will save money because your plumbing, fixtures and appliances will last longer. The scale in your plumbing will be greatly reduced in just a few months. Your water heater will use less fuel and will last longer. After just a few days when bathing your skin will feel softer and not dry and itchy. Your hair will feel silky and more manageable. After just a few days dishes washed by hand or in a dish washer will clean easier, and without spotting. You will use less detergent when washing laundry, doing dishes, and bathing. Kitchen and bathroom faucets and fixtures will clean easier, and last longer. Abstract The magnetic technology has been cited in the literature and investigated since the turn of the 19th century, when lodestones and naturally occurring magnetic mineral formations were used to decrease the formation of scale in cooking and laundry applications. Today, advances in magnetic and electrostatic scale control technologies have led to their becoming reliable energy savers in certain applications. For example, magnetic or electrostatic scale control technologies can be used as a replacement for most water-softening equipment. Specifically, chemical softening (lime or lime-soda softening), ion exchange, and reverse osmosis, when used for the control of hardness, could potentially be replaced by non-chemical water conditioning technology. This would include applications both to cooling water treatment and boiler water treatment in once-through and recirculating systems. The primary energy savings from this technology result from decrease in energy consumption in heating or cooling applications. This savings is associated with the prevention or removal of scale build-up on a heat exchange surface, where even a thin film can increase energy consumption by nearly 10%. Secondary energy savings can be attributed to reducing the pump load, or system pressure, required to move the water through a scale-free, unrestricted piping system. This Federal Technology Alert provides information and procedures that a Federal energy manager needs to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of this technology. The process of magnetic or eletrostatic scale control and its energy savings and other benefits are explained. Guidelines are provided for appropriate application and installation. In addition, a hypothetical case study is presented to give the reader a sense of the actual costs and energy savings. A listing of current manufacturers and technology users is provided along with references for further reading. The magnetic technology has been cited in the literature and investigated since the turn of the 19th century, when lodestones or naturally occurring magnetic mineral formations were used to decrease the formation of scale in cooking and laundry applications. However, the availability of high-power, rare-earth element magnets has advanced the magnetic technology to the point where it is more reliable. Similar advances in materials science, such as the availability of ceramic electrodes and other durable dielectric materials, have allowed the electrostatic technology to also become more reliable. The general operating principle for the magnetic technology is a result of the physics of interaction between a magnetic field and a moving electric charge, in this case in the form of an ion. When ions pass through the magnetic field, a force is exerted on each ion. The forces on ions of opposite charges are in opposite directions. The redirection of the particles tends to increase the frequency with which ions of opposite charge collide and combine to form a mineral precipitate, or insoluble compound. Since this reaction takes place in a low-temperature region of a heat exchange system, the scale formed is non-adherent. At the prevailing temperature conditions, this form is preferred over the adherent form, which attaches to heat exchange surfaces. The operating principles for the electrostatic units are much different. Instead of causing the dissolved ions to come together and form non-adherent scale, a surface charge is imposed on the ions so that they repel instead of attract each other. Thus the two ions (positive and negative, or cations and anions, respectively) of a kind needed to form scale are never able to come close enough together to initiate the scale-forming reaction. The end result for a user is the same with either technology; scale formation on heat exchange surfaces is greatly reduced or eliminated. Application Domain These technologies can be used as a replacement for most water-softening equipment. Specifically, chemical softening (lime or lime-soda softening), ion exchange, and reverse osmosis (RO), when used for the control of hardness, can be replaced by the non-chemical water conditioning technology. This would include applications both to cooling water treatment and boiler water treatment, in once-through and recirculating systems. Other applications mentioned by the manufacturers include use on petroleum pipelines as a means of decreasing fouling caused by wax build-up, and the ability to inhibit biofouling and corrosion. The magnetic technology is generally not applicable in situations where the hard water contains "appreciable" concentrations of iron. In this FTA, appreciable means a concentration requiring iron treatment or removal prior to use, on the order of parts per million or mg/L. The reason for this precaution is that the action of the magnetic field on the hardness-causing ions is very weak. Conversely, the action of the magnetic field on the iron ions is very strong, which interferes with the water conditioning action. A search of the Thomas RegisterTM in conjunction with manufacturer contact yielded eleven manufacturers of magnetic, electromagnetic or electrostatic water conditioning equipment that fell within the scope of this investigation. The defined scope includes commercial or industrial-type magnetic, electromagnetic or electrostatic devices marketed for scale control. Devices intended for home use, as well as other non-chemical means for scale control, such as reverse osmosis, are not within the extended scope of this FTA. Figure 1. Diagram of General Magnetic Device Construction Exact numbers of units deployed by these manufacturers are virtually impossible to compile, as some of the manufacturers had been selling the technology for up to 40 years. One manufacturer claims as many as 1,000,000 units (estimated total of all manufacturers represented here) are installed in the field. Where not withheld by the manufacturer because of business sensitivity reasons, customer lists included both Federal and non-Federal installations. Those manufacturers who did withhold the customer list indicated a willingness to disclose customer contacts to legitimate prospective customers. Literature provided by and discussions with manufacturers described a typical installation for a boiler water treatment scheme as including the device installed upstream of the boiler. Manufacturers vary in their preference of whether the device should be installed close to the water inlet or close to the boiler. Both locations have been documented as providing adequate performance. Generally, the preferred installation location for use with cooling towers or heat exchangers is upstream of the heat exchange location and upstream of the cooling tower. Downstream of the cooling tower but upstream of the heat source was also mentioned as a possible installation location, primarily for the use with chillers or other cooling equipment. The primary caveat on installation of the magnetic technology is that high voltage (230V, 3-phase or above) power lines interfere with operation by imposing a second magnetic field on the water. (This is most noticeable when these electric power sources are installed within three feet of a magnetic device.) This second magnetic field most likely will not be aligned with the magnetic field of the device, thus introducing interference and reducing the effectiveness of the treatment. Installations near high voltage power lines are to be avoided if possible. Where avoidance is not possible, the installation of shielded equipment is recommended to achieve optimum operation. Some manufacturers also have limitations on direction of installation--vertical or horizontal--because of internal mechanical construction. Energy-Savings Mechanism The primary energy savings result from a decrease in energy consumption in heating or cooling applications. This savings is associated with the prevention or removal of scale build-up on a heat exchange surface where even a thin film (1/32" or 0.8 mm) can increase energy consumption by nearly 10%. Example savings resulting from the removal of calcium-magnesium scales are shown in Table 1. A secondary energy savings can be attributed to reducing the pump load, or system pressure, required to move the water through a scale-free, unrestricted piping system. Table 1. Example Increases in Energy Consumption as a Function of Scale Thickness Scale Thickness (inches) Increased Energy Consumption (%) 1/32 8.5 1/16 12.4 1/8 25.0 1/4 40.0 As was discussed above, magnetic and electric fields interact with a resultant force generated in a direction perpendicular to the plane formed by the magnetic and electric field vectors. (See Figure 2 for an illustration.) This force acts on the current carrying entity, the ion. Positively charged particles will move in a direction in accord with the Right-hand Rule, where the electric and magnetic fields are represented by the fingers and the force by the thumb. Negatively charged particles will move in the opposite direction. This force is in addition to any mixing in the fluid due to turbulence. Figure 2. Diagram Showing Positioning of Fields and Force The result of these forces on the ions is that, in general, positive charged ions (calcium and magnesium, primarily) and negative charged ions (carbonate and sulfate, primarily) are directed toward each other with increased velocity. The increased velocity should result in an increase in the number of collisions between the particles, with the result being formation of insoluble particulate matter. Once a precipitate is formed, it serves as a foundation for further growth of the scale crystal. The treatment efficiency increases with increasing hardness since more ions are present in solution; thus each ion will need to travel a shorter distance before encountering an ion of opposite charge. A similar reaction occurs at a heat exchange surface but the force on the ions results from the heat input to the water. Heat increases the motion of the water molecules, which in turn increases the motion of the ions, which then collide. In addition, scale exhibits an inverse solubility relationship with temperature, meaning that the solubility of the material decreases as temperature increases. Therefore, at the hottest point in a heat exchanger, the heat exchange surface, the scale is least soluble, and, furthermore due to thermally induced currents, the ions are most likely to collide nearest the surface. As above, the precipitate formed acts as a foundation for further crystal growth. When the scale-forming reaction takes place within a heat exchanger, the mineral form of the most common scale is called calcite. Calcite is an adherent mineral that causes the build-up of scale on the heat exchange surface. When the reaction between positively charged and negatively charged ions occurs at low temperature, relative to a heat exchange surface, the mineral form is usually aragonite. Aragonite is much less adherent to heat exchange surfaces, and tends to form smaller-grained or softer-scale deposits, as opposed to the monolithic sheets of scale common on heat exchange surfaces. These smaller-grained or softer-scale deposits are stable upon heating and can be carried throughout a heating or cooling system while causing little or no apparent damage. This transport property allows the mineral to be moved through a system to a place where it is convenient to collect and remove the solid precipitate. This may include removal with the wastewater in a once-through system, with the blowdown in a recirculating system, or from a device such as a filter, water/solids separator, sump or other device specifically introduced into the system to capture the precipitate. Water savings are also possible in recirculating systems through the reduction in blowdown necessary. Blowdown is used to reduce or balance out the minerals and chemical concentrations within the system. If the chemical consumption for scale control is reduced, it may be possible to reduce blowdown also. However, the management of corrosion inhibitor and/or biocide build-up, and/or residual products or degradation by-products, may become the controlling factor in determining blowdown frequency and volume. Other Benefits Aside from the energy savings, other potential areas for savings exist. The first is elimination or significant reduction in the need for scale and hardness control chemicals. In a typical plant, this savings could be on the order of thousands of dollars each year when the cost of chemicals, labor and equipment is factored in. Second, periodic descaling of the heat exchange equipment is virtually eliminated. Thus process downtime, chemical usage, and labor requirements are eliminated. A third potential savings is from reductions in heat exchanger tube replacement due to failure. Failure of tubes due to scale build-up, and the resultant temperature rise across the heat exchange surface, will be eliminated or greatly reduced in proportion to the reduction in scale formation. Variations Devices are available in two installation variations and three operational variations. First to be discussed are the two installation variations: invasive and non-invasive. Invasive devices are those which have part or all of the operating equipment within the flow field. Therefore, these devices require the removal of a section of the pipe for insertion of the device. This, of course, necessitates an amount of time for the pipe to be out of service. Non-invasive devices are completely external to the pipe, and thus can be installed while the pipe is in operation. Figure 3 illustrates the two installation variations. Figure 3. Illustration of Classes of Magnetic Devices by Installation Location The operational variations have been mentioned above; illustrations of the latter two types are shown Figure 4: Magnetic, more correctly a permanent magnet Electromagnetic, where the magnetic field is generated via electromagnets Electrostatic, where an electric field is imposed on the water flow, which serves to attract or repel the ions and, in addition, generates a magnetic field. Figure 4. Illustration of Classes of Non-Permanent Magnet Devices Electrostatic units are always invasive. The other two types can be either invasive or non-invasive. The devices illustrated in Figure 3 are examples of permanent magnet devices. Installation Most of the devices are in-line--some invasive, some non-invasive--as opposed to side-stream. The invasive devices require a section of pipe to be removed and replaced with the device. Most of the invasive devices are larger in diameter than the section of pipe they replace. The increased diameter is partially a function of the magnetic or electromagnetic elements, and also a function of the cross sectional flow area. The flow area through the devices is generally equivalent to the flow area of the section of pipe removed. The non-invasive in-line devices are designed to be wrapped around the pipe. Thus downtime, or line out-of-service time, is minimized or eliminated. The potential cost-effective savings achievable by this technology were estimated as part of the technology assessment process of the New Technology Demonstration Program (NTDP). Returns Policy: If for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase we will be happy for you to return the item within 14days for a full refund, any problems please let us know dear valuable customer, thank you for your purchase! we strive to provide you with the best services. it is our pleasure to do business with you and hope you are satisfied with our products and services.As we are running an ebay business , your positive feedback and 5 -star DSRs means a lot to us.we would very much appreciate it if you would leave us a 5-star positive feedback. Once again, thank you for shopping with us. we look forward to serving you again in the near future. 100% BRAND NEW,FAST DELIVERY NO TIME WASTING
Magnetic Descaler will take care 
of that clogging scalepipe with scale
Magnetic Water Descaler Limescale Remover  Conditioner Softener
Size : 75 x 45 x 40mm

◆ Simply installed around the outside of the piping. 

   No tools-no cutting of water lines required,install Magnetic by following instruction  picture.Magnetic is held around the water pipe by supplied cable ties.

◆Magnetic contains a powerful permanent magnets, so it can be used permanently without an external power source.

◆ Improves water quality without using chemicals, so there is no worry about secondarypollution.

◆ Since it is installed outside the piping, it is maintenance free

As attached picture shown, while the water pass through our device, they will be softened and magnetized.About Hard Water: Basically, water moves through the earth dissolving minerals, holding them in solution as salts, consisting mainly of calcium and magnesium. Most of these salts eventually deposit themselves as scale in your pipes, water heaters and other appliances which use water. Scale build-up is the result of a natural crystallization process which is accelerated by heating. The energy loss of trying to heat water through scale is substantial. A one-half inch thick layer of scale in your water heater will retard heat transfer by up to 70%.The strong NdFeB magnet part Forces +/- hydronium temporarily into cathode to exchange water molecule and mineral hydronium,makes Ca2+/Mg2+to unite electron, and has no cation function temporarily.Hence, even heating, it doesn't unite hydronium---for example So42-, The part makes water not to scale any more.Magnetic filter part makes water soft, and scale will be never produced in water pipe.

How do the Magnetic Water Softener work? 

Very simply to be installed around the water pipe. By passing the water through an ultra-powerful focused flux magnetic field, these minerals and other materials become suspended in the water - losing their ability to stick to things. This effect is so durable, it takes almost 2 full days before the elements in the water start to regain their bonding power.

In most homes, this is more than enough time for your water to travel from where it enters the home to when it goes down the drain and into the sewage system.