This Masta Avante Foal rug.

We stock this rug in a Navy Colour and sizes from 3'3" up to 5'0" 

We are BETA Approved Retail Members which means you can buy from us with confidence.

We accept Credit/Debit cards via Paypal or you can call us on  and we can take your card details over the telephone.  

(If no answer please leave a message and someone will call you back.)

We accept E-chqs through Paypal but please note these can take up to 10 working days to clear


Remember, for quality products, excellent service, rapid delivery and heavily discounted equestrian goods

Please read our Terms and Conditions prior to purchase as items cannot be returned once the period stated has passed.

We are an established family run company with over 20 years experience which you can depend on and we pride ourselves on our honesty and excellent customer service.