These are not self adhesive...

Here we go...

This is one to inspire a bit of fun and games... I can recall many years ago when I worked in London there was a spate of people leaving messages on other peoples cars in the end it became quite common to see a car with quite a few laying on the dash... Only ever got one myself and kept it for ages as it made me laugh... It was referring to a shoehorn and me parking so close... still remember it even now so it must have worked! 

What we have here are FOR FUN ONLY we do not suggest you stick them onto strangers cars as this would be illegal and in some cases could even be offensive... So Play Nice... these are for... well you buy them and you can decide what you do with them... maybe dinner parties? 

We have chosen a wide selection so you can smile and have fun for not much money... 

Jo has told me I must also mention that I choose wife but she says I can put Husband or ex boyfriend if you wish... not that you would because we all know its girls who can't park... Only joking! HONESTLY... sorry xx

We sell them in lots of eight and they are all the same, so if you want two sets... you will have 16. They will be sent in a plain envelope and we suggest you keep them in your car, so you can show your friends, NOT PUT THEM ON OTHER PEOPLES CAR'S WHO YOU DON'T KNOW...wink wink...

They are 4" x 3" (100mm x 75mm) and are all printed in black on white card. 


The last ones are Red with white lettering. 
These are relative to disabled parking and its misuse. 
These are laminated and come in 4s they are the same size and if you request it we will send four different ones.

Please be warned the wording on some of them is liable to cause offence, we do not intend for these to be used in a public situation but obviously we cannot be behind you every step of the way. 


Play nice...