Please to check a link bellow for customers outside UK. It is some delays or even postage suspended for the Countries in this list:

This part is not made by BMW. This part is made by our technicians in UK with high quality parts and it maybe compatible with the following models below but please always check your own car fitment first. Thank you.


3 Series - E36, E46, M3
5 Series - E39, E60, M5
7 Series - E38, E65, E66, E67, E68
X Series - E53, X5, E83
Z Series - E36, E85, Z4

The Air Bag Occupancy Sensor Mat detects when you have a passenger and switches on passenger air bag. It is common for it to fail so you get the air bag warning light, this item will bypass it completely. Before you buy, I reccomend to scan warning lights, that its  mat occupancy senor is fail. Make sure the socket its same as on a picture above!

Please ensure your Occupancy Sensor Mat is at fault is as it will not resolve any other air bag fault. This can be confirmed by using the correct error reading tool that will tell you the exact air bag error code issue. This bypass module is newly self-made to specification with an original equipment. This sensor your cars SRS airbag system would always receive a signal from a passenger seat and it always would be active.

However we do not recommend put your child seat on passenger seat as manufacturers recommendations too.