FLY FISHING NANO ROD HI END COMBO  9ft.. LW5/6, 4sec   , Fully Loaded FlyReel, Fly Line, Backing, Leaders, Fly Box with 50 of our best freshwater flies you save up to $99 on this combo

Rod & Fly Tasmania's tuition and Guiding service Introduces its Fly Rod range that delivers new levels of performance. Developed by us with other Guides in the UK,designed by professional fly fishing instructors and fly rod engineers with more than 14 years rod building experience, and 100's of collective years of fly fishing.
Manufactured from the latest super-graphite integration of extra high module T-46 carbon IM10 grade, which allows smaller diameter blanks with a superb progressive Fast action. The blend of high modulus graphite fibres creates a perfectly balanced lightweight blank that is more sensitive than anything available on the market today. Lightweight with a delightful crisp, fast action, these rods make distance casting easy, whilst maintaining tremendous 'fish ability' throughout a wide range of fly line densities. Utilising only the best components and materials has produced a rod range that will appeal to the most demanding .
When you’re out dawn till dusk You'll need a rod that will punch a sinking line or saltwater fly far out into the wind and Later it must present a buzzer, emerger or dry fly with feel and delicacy. You're looking for lightness without frailty, power with sensitivity.
The construction of high-modulus carbon fibre, the advanced performance taper, the ultra-slim blanks and the lightning tip recover combine to give you distance, accuracy, improved presentation and instant feel.

Stream to River Nano Helix Fly Rod 9ft 5/6
all rods features a  matt no glare, scare, matt finish, with no rod flash while casting, and less chance of spooking fish An essential feature when fishing spooky fish in our Tasmanian waters.

All rods come with a tough cordura covered case complete with rugged zip closure and handy carry strap.
 Don't let the price fool you, they out perform and compare with rods costing 100 to 200% more!