Super Soft Split Shot in Dispenser 50g 70g 100g

Super Soft Split Shot in Dispenser 50g 70g 100g
sizes LG SSG AAA AB BB No 1 4 6 8

Item description:

When you just need to get that bait down a little more excellent for ultra light fishing. The most common used and needed sizes for Light Float Fishing. Contains 50g 70g or 100g of the most commonly used and popular sized Split Shots. Adjust the amount on your line to get that perfect cast and bring the bait to the fish.

Item specifications:

✔ Made of Plumbum
✔ Soft Shots with Central Cut
✔ Supplied in a Clear Top Plastic Dispenser
✔ Handy Easy to Use Dispenser
✔ None abrasive to mono or braid lines
✔ Removable for precise positioning

In your package:

1 or 2 boxes of Split Shots Konger
size and quantity you have to choose from variations.

Super Soft Split Shot in Dispenser 50g 70g 100g

Box 50g SMALL shots:

Weights UK Sizes
1.00g AAA
0.60g AB
0.40g BB
0.30g No.1
0.25g No.3
0.20g No.4

Box 50g BIG shots:

Weights UK Sizes
1.20g SG
1.00g AAA
0.60g AB

Box 70g SMALL shots:

Weights UK Sizes
1.00g AAA
0.60g AB
0.40g BB
0.30g No.1
0.25g No.3
0.20g No.4

Box 70g BIG shots:

Weights UK Sizes
1.20g SG
1.00g AAA
0.60g AB

Box 100g SMALL shots:

Weights UK Sizes
1.00g AAA
0.60g AB
0.40g BB
0.30g No.1
0.25g No.3
0.20g No.4

Box 100g BIG shots:

Weights UK Sizes
2.90g LG
1.80g SSG
1.20g SA
1.00g AAA