Coiltek 14" Anti-Interface Search Coil.
This robust coil provides great depth capability, pinpointing and sensitivity, and offers excellent ground coverage.
Compatible with the Minelab SD, GP, and GPX series metal detectors.

The AI coil is the best solution for those high interference areas when detecting. 

When experiencing excessive noise from power lines, phone towers or general atmospheric noise, this coil will run quiet and smooth by cancelling out the interference. 

This ability opens up new detecting areas and potentially new patches. 

When swinging this coil, a quarter coil overlap is necessary to cover the ground efficiently and by swinging slowly and close to the ground small targets are easily distinguished from the threshold. 

The main pinpointing area of this coil is approximately 1 inch in from the front edge and down the centre of the coil and will give a strong signal when close to the surface. 

This coils’ ability is best seen firsthand so if you get a chance to try an AI coil you will notice that its performance is very compared to the DD coil of similar size. 

These are also used on the salt lakes of Australia with outstanding results.



Serious Detecting is an official Coiltek Dealer.