Tribulus Terrestris 1000 Mg
Supports Healthy Testo Levels 
(3 Bottles, 270 Capsules)

(Manufactured in USA)

Overall Health Benefits:

  • Elevates Testo levels
  • Enhances Libido
  • Increases Strength
  • Lean Muscle Mass

There are several claims about what tribulus terrestris supplements can do for the body. The two most common reasons people begin taking the supplements is to increase sexual desire and to increase muscle mass. Athletes especially are attracted to the muscle-building properties promoted by tribulus terrestris claims.

Tribulus is a plant that produces fruit covered with spines. Rumor has it that tribulus is also known as puncture vine because the spines are so sharp they can flatten bicycle tires. People use the fruit, leaf, and root as medicine for wide-ranging complaints.

Tribulus is used for kidney problems, including kidney stones, painful urination, a kidney disorder, and as a “water pill” (diuretic) to increase urination; for skin disorders, including eczema, psoriasis, and scabies; for male sexual problems, sexual dysfunction, involuntary release of semen, and to increase sexual desire; for heart and circulatory system problems, including chest pain, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and “tired blood” (anemia); for problems with digestion, including colic, intestinal gas (flatulence), constipation, and to expel intestinal parasitic worms; for pain and swelling (inflammation) of the tissue lining the mouth. Women use tribulus to tone muscles before childbirth, and to stimulate milk flow.

Here are the 5 Coolest Benefits of Tribulus Terrestris:

  • The active ingredient in tribulus terrestris extract is PROTODIOSCIN, which is a natural precursor to the human sex hormone, testo.
  • balanced hormone levels in the body
  • boost your circulatory system which will help your body pump important oxygen and nutrients to your muscles.
  • Tribulus may boost production of leutenizing hormone which is a regulator of testo
  • Tribulus can help with sexual dysfunctions, in men and women

SUGGESTED USE: As a dietary supplement, take one capsule 1 to 2 times daily as needed prior to meals.

CAUTION: Do not exceed recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18, and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement.