Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - The Sith War     Comics Lot

Writer: Kevin J. Anderson

Artists: Dario Carrasco, Jr.

Inkers: Jordi Ensign, Mark G. Heike, Bill Black, & David Jacob Beckett

Colorist : Rachelle Menashe & Pamela Rambo

Letterer: Wille Shubert

Editors: Bob Cooper

All Covers by: Hugh Fleming 

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise centered on a film series created by George Lucas. The film series began with Star Wars, released on May 25, 1977. This was followed by two sequels: The Empire Strikes Back, released on May 21, 1980, and Return of the Jedi, released on May 25, 1983. The more than two decades after the release of the original film, the series continued with a prequel trilogy; consisting of Episode I: The Phantom Menace, released on May 19, 1999; Episode II: Attack of the Clones, released on May 16, 2002; and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, released on May 19, 2005. And  Star Wars: The Force Awakens is scheduled for release on December 18, 2015.


In October 1993, Dark Horse Comics took us deeper into the Star Wars universe with Tales of the Jedi. The epic drama Star Wars was said to have happened “long ago, in a galaxy far away.” In that same galaxy, but even longer ago, lies the tale of the Jedi Knights. That was a time of peace, forged by the vast confederation of star systems known as the Galactic Republic. The Galactic Republic was a democracy, famed for its wise and fair leadership. When danger threatened, it also could call on its protectors, the Jedi Knights. Against the Dark Side, these heroic warriors fought for the cause of good, using their lightsabers and the power of the Force.  


Then, in 1995 Dark Horse Comics continued the saga of the Tales of the Jedi with The Sith War. Ulic Qel-Droma has spent a lifetime learning to control the Force. He wanted to be on the side of the good, a member of the Jedi elite. But it is not the Force one must control to become a Jedi; rather, one must learn to control oneself. Ulic Qel-Droma has tasted power, and now he cannot fight the dark hunger inside him...


Now... a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - The Sith War! Six months after the story - Dark Lords of the Sith left off..., Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma are implementing their insidious plan for revitalizing the Golden Age of the Sith. While insinuating his darkside teachings to Jedi students on the planet Ossus, it becomes clear that Kun is only concerned with securing a powerful Sith Holocron from its sealed repository in the great library of Ossus. Ulic has devoted himself to developing the darkside military strategy -- the key to which may just be winning the loyalty of the ferocious warrior race led by a masked mysteryman named Mandalore


Story (Spoilers!)

In issue # 1, Edge of the Whirlwind, It has been six months since the former enemies Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma have joined forces, forced into a common goal by hypnotic visions of a reborn Golden Age of the Sith. Through his dabbling in forbidden teachings, Exar Kun has fallen completely under the spell of the ancient Sith ways, and he knows he must gain additional disciples to fan the flames of his planned victory. Meanwhile, in the iron-walled city of Cinnagar in the Empress Teta system, Ulic Qel-Droma has stumbled down the dark path – driven by a distorted need to avenge the murder of his beloved Master Arca, poisoned by dark Sith toxins, and seduced and manipulated by his wily lover Aleema. He has allied himself with Exar Kun to bring about a new Golden Age, following the dream-images that fog his mind. His mission is to gather an army awesome enough to take on even the mighty galactic Republic. But as their plans proceed, far from the watchful eyes of the loyal Jedi Knights, other vicious crusaders turn their attentions to what may seem to be easy pickings while Ulic is preoccupied...


The Mandalorians, led by Mandalore the Indomitable, wage war on the Empress Teta system. Mandalore challenges Ulic Qel-Droma to a duel, which Ulic accepts on the terms that if he wins, he shall receive control of the Mandalorian warriors. Ulic wins, and recruits Mandalore and his army to fight for the Sith. They begin to plan an attack on Coruscant.


Next in issue # 2, The Battle of Coruscant, Six months have passed since Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma joined forces, as they now draw together their plans to bring back the Sith Golden Age. Exar Kun has spread his insidious teachings at the Jedi learning center on Ossus, as if he is some sort of prophet – and young and impatient Jedi students have begun listening to him, including Crado and Oss Wilum. Kun’s real reason for coming to Ossus, though, is to secure a knowledge repository sealed in the great library: a Sith Holocron! But in stealing the Sith Holocron, Exar Kun kills the Jedi Master Odan-Urr, who tries to stop him. Ulic Qel-Droma has taken on the military prong of the overall strategy. After a fearsome and dangerous duel, he gains the loyalty of a ferocious warrior race, led by their masked leader, Mandalore. In a lightning raid, Ulic also pounces on one of the Republic’s great shipyards at Foerost, securing a space fleet for himself. Despite Exar Kun’s admonition, Ulic brashly plans to use his new military might for a direct strike on Coruscant, the center of the Republic government. He sees this as a way for a quick and decisive victory with a minimum of bloodshed. Still reeling from his previous surprise strikes, the Republic does not even know the identity of its new enemy...


Exar Kun, along with his new Jedi followers, travel to Yavin 4, where Kun releases the Sith holocron he took from Odan-Urr. The holocron fills the followers with knowledge of the Sith. Meanwhile, Ulic Qel-Droma and Aleema Keto, accompanied by Mandalore the Indomitable and his Mandalorian warriors, invade the Republic capital of Coruscant. Not before long, a small group of Jedi, including Cay Qel-Droma, brother of Ulic, arrive and imprison Ulic in a wall of light.


Next in issue # 3, The Trial of Ulic Qel-Droma, Exar Kun has lured a group of other Jedi – including his former training partner, Crado, and Master Thon’s apprentice, Oss Wilum – who are curious to see Kun’s much-touted new knowledge. He takes them to his secret hideout on Yavin Four, where he shows them the forbidden Sith Holocron. Claiming he is about to remove the taint of the dark side, Kun smashes the Holocron as the Jedi gather around – but the shards fly outward as if with minds of their own, containing the residue of Sith sorcerers from a forgotten age. The shards strike the unwitting Jedi and are absorbed in a whirlwind of images from the Sith Golden Age. Kun tells his “possessed” converts that the other Jedi will resist, but together they will show the Republic never to underestimate the power of the Sith! Meanwhile, eager for a decisive military victory, Ulic Qel-Droma decides to strike Coruscant, the capital world itself! With his self-centered lover, Aleema, and his masked general, Mandalore, Ulic launches the assault. What he does not know, however, is that a group of Jedi Knights – including his brother, Cay, and his friend, Nomi Sunrider, along with Master Vodo-Siosk Baas – have come to Coruscant to stop him. Ulic, unknowing, goes forward with a small force to certain capture, while Aleema abandons him and grabs the position of power for herself. She orders a reluctant Mandalore to retreat, claiming that Ulic has been killed. In the command center, Ulic finds himself without allies and unable to defeat the Jedi Knights. A prisoner, he is hauled off by the leader of the Republic Senate, who vows to bring Ulic to trial immediately, and execute him as a traitor!


With Ulic Qel-Droma captured by the Galactic Republic, Mandalore the Indomitable asks Exar Kun for help in rescuing Ulic. Kun and Mandalore travel to Coruscant, where Kun fights against his old Jedi Master, Vodo-Siosk Baas. After defeating and killing Baas, Kun and Mandalore rescue Ulic and the three leave.


Next in issue # 4, Jedi Holocaust , Ulic Qel-Droma’s impetuous raid on the capital world of Coruscant has ended in disaster. While Ulic’s general, Mandalore, leads troops through the city streets, Ulic’s lover and co-conspirator, Aleema, has secretly betrayed him, allowing Ulic to be taken prisoner. Aleema usurps command of the uprising and orders Mandalore to follow, leaving Ulic to his fate. But Mandalore quietly uncovers proof of Aleema’s treachery and vows to rescue his master, whatever it may take. While Aleema and her Krath warriors develop plans for a major strike, Mandalore seeks the aid of another ally – Exar Kun, the Dark Lord of the Sith. Meanwhile, Kun launches his own insidious strike at the heart of the Old Republic. He has dispatched his squad of Sith converts, power-hungry young Jedi who have been possessed by ancient Sith spirits, on a dark mission – to strike swiftly and unexpectedly to kill their own Jedi Masters! On Coruscant, Ulic is brought to trial for his rampage against the Republic. Though Ulic’s Jedi friends speak on his behalf – including his brother Cay and Nomi Sunrider – the prospects look grim. Then the chamber doors burst open, and Kun enters, flanked by Mandalore and well-armed Massassi warriors. Using dark Sith powers, Kun takes over the proceedings, freeing Ulic and then manipulating the great speaker like an amusing puppet before killing him. The entire trial has turned into a game for Ulic and Kun – until Master Vodo-Siosk Baas, Kun’s own teacher, comes forth bravely to challenge Kun. After a furious battle, Kun kills his former master on the Senate floor, to the horror of all spectators. Victorious, Kun and Ulic take their forces and depart for Kun’s secret Sith stronghold on the jungle moon of Yavin Four, proclaiming that their conquest has only just begun.


Ulic Qel-Droma, Exar Kun and Mandalore return to Yavin 4. Ulic learns from Mandalore that Aleema Keto plans to betray him. Knowing this, Ulic sends Aleema to Kemplex IX, to draw the Republic's forces away from Coruscant, which is Kun's true target. Aleema arrives near Kemplex IX, in a flagship once used by the ancient Sith Lord Naga Sadow. She succeeds in luring a small Republic fleet to Kemplex IX, but as Aleema uses her flagship's weapons, she triggers a chain reaction, causing Cron Cluster, a group of ten nearby stars, to unleash all of their inner power. This results in the destruction and death of Aleema.


Next in issue # 5, Brother against Brother, Exar Kun dispatches his Sith-possessed disciples on a mission to destroy their own Masters. Across the galaxy, Sith students attack, slaughtering great Jedi, though sometimes at the cost of their own lives. On Master Thon’s world, Nomi Sunrider and Sylvar are attacked by dark-side creatures manipulated by Oss Wilum and Crado – who was Sylvar’s mate. Nomi, Sylvar, and Thon succeed in driving them back, capturing Oss Wilum. Crado escapes – but not before Sylvar slashes his cheek she once did to Exar Kun. When Crado returns to report his failure, Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma describe a new plan: the ancient Sith ship, buried on Yavin Four by the Sith Lord Naga Sadow, contains horrifying power once used to manipulate the fiery hearts of stars. Kun and Ulic charge the treacherous Aleema with commanding a mission to lure the Republic forces to the isolated station Kemplex Nine. There, the power-hungry Aleema will use Sith magic to detonate stars and devastate the Jedi. Ulic knows he is secretly sending Aleema to her doom to pay for her crimes. The hapless Crado, eager to restore his own honor, begs to go along and Exar Kun grudgingly agrees. Meanwhile, in the aftermath of the slaughter of Jedi Masters, Dace Diath, Shoaneb Culu, and Qrrl Toq lead the main Republic forces to battle...but Kemplex Nine has already been devastated. They spot a Sith ship fleeing into the densely packed stars of the Cron Cluster. Weapons blazing, Dace, Shoaneb, and Qrrl Toq lead the pursuing Republic forces...into a trap! Aleema triggers the Sith weapon that rips the core out of a star, instantly devastating the Jedi fleet. But what Aleema does not suspect is that she has set up a chain reaction. All the stars around her explode, disintegrating the great Sith ship as well. Aleema and Crado die howling in betrayal. The shockwave from the multiple supernovas churns across space like a tidal wave of doom at the speed of light, heading directly for the Jedi archive world of Ossus. As the planetary evacuation begins, Ulic and Exar Kun rush to claim the precious artifacts before the firestorm arrives...


On a mission to steal Jedi artifacts from the planet Ossus, Ulic Qel-Droma faces his brother, Cay. Cay attempts to bring Ulic to the Light Side, but is instead attacked by Ulic. After a fierce duel, Ulic strikes his brother down, but realizes soon after that he has made a mistake in killing his brother and begins crying.


Finally, in issue # 6, Dark Lord, Ulic Qel-Droma and Exar Kun dupe Aleema into setting off a massive supernova explosion in the Cron star cluster, and shockwaves sweep toward the Jedi library planet of Ossus. Republic commander Vanicus, working with Master Thon, Tott Doneeta, Cay Qel-Droma, Sylvar, and Nomi Sunrider, arranges for immediate evacuations. Desperate Jedi scramble to rescue artifacts, scrolls, Holocrons, and other precious objects. Sending Mandalore off to retake the former dark-side world of Onderon, Ulic and Kun begin their assault on Ossus. Kun wants to grab the artifacts for himself before all are lost in the impending holocaust. During the surprise attack, Cay recognizes Ulic’s ship and rushes aboard the Nebulon Ranger to stop his brother. After a fierce air battle, however, Ulic shoots down Cay and pursues the Ranger as it crashes to the surface. Exar Kun takes his Massassi bodyguards and strides through the abandoned Jedi library, ransacking it for lost treasures. He encounters tree-like Master Ood, who is at work stashing a collection of ancient lightsabers in a shielded vault, hoping to protect them from the supernova firestorm. Ood resists Kun’s attempt to steal the lightsabers by undergoing a final metamorphosis, plunging roots into the ground and driving Kun back with a blast of power drawn from the depths of Ossus. Unfortunately, Ood is now firmly planted and will not be able to escape the starfire due to strike in only a few hours. Leaving Ulic to take care of himself, Kun takes his booty and escapes to his secret base on Yavin Four. After downing the Nebulon Ranger, Ulic confronts Cay in the wreckage. Cay, still insisting that he can save his brother, keeps urging Ulic to return to the light side but he refuses. As they duel with lightsabers, Cay continues to provoke Ulic, begging him to snap out of his shadowy trance caused by Sith poisons and Ulic’s own burning guilt at his failure to protect Master Arca. Finally, when he can no longer stand it – as Nomi Sunrider and Tott Doneeta rush to stop the clash – Ulic strikes down his own brother and is left in shock and horror of what he has done...


As Mandalore the Indomitable and his Mandalorian warriors are carrying out an attack on planet Onderon, Ulic Qel-Droma is convinced by his own brother's death to leave Exar Kun and reveals Kun's location to the Jedi. Back on Onderon, Republic reinforcements arrive and the Mandalorians retreat to a nearby moon, called Dxun. A giant group of Jedi arrive on Yavin 4. As a last resort, Exar Kun gathers the last of his Massassi and tells them to hide, as backup, in case Kun is unable to defeat the Jedi. Exar Kun performs a Sith ritual, sacrificing his own body to create a giant fire all across Yavin 4. The Jedi believe that the fire has killed Kun and they retreat. On Dxun, the Mandalorian warriors find Mandalore the Indomitable's dead body and to continue their traditions, one of the Mandalorians equips Mandalore's helmet and names himself Mandalore the Ultimate. Two years later, Ulic returns to Yavin 4, to see what really happened, but finds nothing, however Exar Kun is still alive and senses Ulic, but is unable to do anything, as he is trapped.


Comics lot contains: Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - The Sith War (1995-1996) Issues #1-6.  Dark Horse Comics.


Comics are bagged & boarded and will be carefully / securely packaged then shipped via USPS Priority Mail to insure that it arrives to you perfectly and quickly.


First Printing

Publication Date: 1995 - 1996

Format per comic: FC, 32 pages, Comic, 10.25" x 6.75"

ISBN: None Stated


Collectible Entertainment note:  Comics 1,2,3,4,5,6 are in Fine + to Very Fine condition.  Very Nice Set!!  Please See Scans!!!  A must have for any serious Star Wars enthusiast and/or collector.  A fun & entertaining read.  Recommended!


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