1 Gallon Premium Best Pistachio Oil 

100% Pure Organic  


Within the family of nut based oils, pistachio oil is considered a "medium weight oil" in its molecular structure. What that means, is its slightly "heavier" than oils like pecan, but not quite as heavy as macadamia nut oil. The benefits to using a medium weight oil generally deals with absorption thru the skin layers.  When you apply pistachio oil to your skin, a percentage will sink in, and a percentage will stay on the surface layers. This quality makes it an excellent blending oil depending upon what formulation you are creating. For instance, if you are designing a nigh time cold cream, I would certainly recommend this oil to be blended into your formulation. Also works great in body scrubs, healing salves, blooming bath oils and let's not forget cold process soaps.

Organic Ingredients:100% Pure Cold Pressed Pistachio Carrier Oil.

Botanical Name: Corylus avellana

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed Refined

Color: Pale yellow liquid..

Aromatic Description: Light oily odor.

General Package/Form Information:
2 oz up to Gallon - Clear/Amber High Quality PET Plastic Bottles BPA free with a Disc Top Lid or Regular Lid
0.6 oz & 1.1 oz - Amber Glass Bottles with a Dropper or Cap
4 oz up to Gallon Bottles are Sealed

Select your choice from the drop down above.

All our oils are fresh and bottled daily. Expiration date is at least 12 month from sale date

Health Benefits

1. Acne:

Pistachio influences the insulin levels and controls blood circulation, preventing the onset of acne. Blood sugar shifts often produce excess oil, leading to pimples and acne. Pistachio contains selenium, which works in conjunction with Vitamin E to reduce skin inflammation and the appearance of scars.

2. Free radical damage:

The presence of powerful antioxidants like Vitamin C and E in pistachio safeguards the skin against UV radiation damage. Selenium also aids in the creation of glutathione, which neutralizes the free radical damage that deteriorates healthy skin cells.

3. Ageing:

The high concentration of Vitamin E in pistachio helps to improve the skin’s elasticity. It fights the ageing process and prevents the onset of wrinkles, giving you youthful skin. Vitamin E protects the cell membranes, making it healthy and shiny.

4. Skin dryness:

The oil present in pistachio alleviates skin dryness. It hydrates the skin and regulates the production of sebum, the skin’s natural conditioner.

5. Antioxidants:

Pistachio is a storehouse of antioxidants like lutein, Vitamin E and Vitamin C. Carotenes and Vitamin E found in pistachio protect the body from oxidative free radical damage.

6. Heart health:

Eating pistachio in moderation can be very beneficial for the health of the heart. It is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids that help to reduce high blood pressure. Phytosterol in pistachio reduces the absorption of dietary cholesterol from different foods. This helps to bring down the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. Bad cholesterol chokes up the arteries, preventing the blood supply to the heart. Consumption of pistachio also reduces stress related to elevated blood pressure.

7. Immune system:

An adequate intake of pistachio can help you achieve a healthy immune system. It contains high concentrations of Vitamin B6, which is vital for keeping the immune system functioning properly. The high levels of antioxidants in pistachio aid in the defense of various microbial diseases.

8. Eye health:

Pistachio can also help to improve vision. It contains carotenoids that protect the eyes from age-related disorders like cataracts and macular degeneration. Lutein and zeaxanthin present in pistachio prevent the eyes from harmful UV radiation damage.

9. Arginine:

Pistachio is one of the best sources of arginine. This miracle molecule helps in improving the functioning of many body processes. Arginine plays a vital role in the regulation of metabolic processes in the body. It increases nitric oxide levels in the body, which prevents the buildup of arterial wall blockage.

10. Cancer:

Pistachio is rich in antioxidants that help to reduce the possibility of skin, prostate and lung cancer. It is rich in gamma-tocopherol that inhibits the penetration of harmful sun radiation into the skin.

11. Nervous system:

The high levels of Vitamin B6 in pistachio help in the formation of amino acids. Amino acid, in turn develops amines that act as neurotransmitters. Vitamin B6 also synthesizes myelin, which forms an insulating cover around the nerve fiber for proper transportation of signals. Pistachio also produces serotonin, melatonin and GABA, which help to reduce stress. It also contains trace amounts of copper, which is responsible for neurotransmission.

12. Weight management:

Pistachio is high in monounsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats are soluble in nature; they do not cause weight gain. It is rich in fiber, which keeps you full for a longer time, preventing overeating. Protein in pistachio uses the fats and burns them, instead of storing them. Do not consume pistachio in high quantities, as it is a calorie-rich food.

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