METAL NIT COMB Hair Plastic Handle Fine Tooth Remove Head Lice Eggs

Fine Toothed Round Metal Nit Comb
Brand New
The Nit Free Fine Toothed Round Nit comb was designed by a group of mothers who no longer wanted to use unpleasant chemicals to remove head lice from their children.
This comb has fine round tipped teeth which goes through the hair very easily and each one of the micro-spiral grooves gently removes anything that’s attached to the hair such as lice, nits and even un-hatched ‘live’ louse eggs
Lice combs are made from either metal or plastic. Metal combs, with stiff tines, or teeth, and narrow slots between tines, will effectively remove or crush nits while plastic combs tend to "skip over" nits and are not as effective as metal Nit comb.
Fine Toothed Round Metal Nit Comb
Suitable for Adults and Children
How to use:
1. Apply any hair conditioner to wet hair
2. Part the hair into section
3. Comb through each section
4. Clear each section before you move to the next
Available in 2 colours
You will receive one colour randomly