You are buying Minkie Zonkers on a size 10 long shank hook, trout fly fishing flies.
  • Varieties are:  
    X4 Tan, X4 Brown, X4 Grey & X4 White, X4 Black
    X5 One of each Colour (1 Tan, 1 Brown, 1 White, 1 Grey, 1 Black)
    X20 (4 of each Colour, Tan, Brown, Grey, White, Black ) in a free box 

    Minkie zonkers are the perfect imitation small fish fry. The reflective fritz body, with red gills and the ultra mobile rabbit wing make these flies an essential pattern when the small fry move into the margins during autumn. We have tied these models without weight so they can be fished in relatively shallow water without snagging bottom and when fished almost static, they sink very slowly, just like the naturals. They are also very effective when fished with a sinking line in deeper water either with a steady fast retrieve or short jerky pulls.  

    We are proud of our flies as they are tied with top quality materials on top quality hooks so we are confident you will be happy with your purchase.  

    Have you visited our shop?  Why not check us out.  We stock Lures, Dries, Nymphs, Wets, Salmon, Saltwater & Still-water and always adding to our range. Whether you’re looking for yourself or a gift for someone special, then we have many items to suit.




    We aim to get it right a 100% all of the time but on rare occasions, issues arise. we kindly ask you to refrain from leaving unnecessary negative feedback as this has negative consequences on our small business.  If you find there is a problem then please allow us to put it right by emailing us and we will always resolve any raised issues. We usually get back to you within a day or two but we WILL ALWAYS reply.