NIGHT by Noble Plastic Ocarina AC Black Rubber Finish Ootsuka Musical Instrument


NIGHT cooperated with Korean Noble company and developed an ocarina made by plastic of high precision. NIGHT cooperated with Korean Noble company and developed an ocarina made by plastic of high precision. Standard pitch is 440Hz but this item is 442Hz so it is more easy to do ensemble with another brand ocarinas. small hole is located in middle finger area. it is easier to play low note. this is rubber finish. And noble's original the difference: 1 ) adjustment at 442 Hz On the pitch, relative pitch is. International standards is 440 Hz. Also, current mainstream (standard if a piano tuning in the halls, etc., or standards such as karaoke accompaniment CD) is the 442 Hz. Ocarina in Korea is relatively high ( 445? 446 Hz ) of has been adjusted in pitch. NIGHT by Noble is adjusted at 442 Hz has become mainstream. Without discomfort now, or play in concert with other maker of Ocarina in circle activities, blowing the Ocarina accompaniment CD or accompanied by music, the playing is possible. * However, pitch of the Ocarina is on how to breathe and how semitone much slippage causes. 2 ) NIGHT ceremony tone hole placement NIGHT ceremony tone hole placement small holes arranged in which the middle fingers of both hands is popular and works fine. At NIGHT by Noble ocarin adopted its deployment. Assured that the deployment can be played without the bass of the guests. 3 ) clear tone Technology is clearly playing the Ocarina treble (knack) was necessary, but NIGHT by Noble AC tone can make clear sound to the plain.