
  • Promotes stomach and liver health
  • Safely and gently cleanses digestive lining
  • Soothes digestive tract
  • Helps sustain healthy immune function
  • Offers a daily infusion of key nutrients
Originating in Africa, the Aloe Vera plant has long been recognized for its ability to calm and soothe. A member of the lily family, aloe thrives in dry parts of the world where there's limited rainfall. It stores what little moisture it receives in the form of gel. 

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera 

Here's a breakdown of the nutrients found in Aloe Vera : 

  1. Vitamins. Aloe Vera supplies naturally occurring amounts of Vitamin A, B, C, D, and E. 
  2. Minerals. Minerals and trace elements are needed only in small quantities, but yet they are essential for proper functioning of various metabolic processes. Aloe Vera offers numerous minerals including among others: calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium and chromium. 
  3. Enzymes. Enzymes are crucial for digestion as they turn food into usable energy for your body. Specifically, enzymes break down proteins into amino acids that fuel your cells. Some of the main enzymes found in aloe Vera include bradykinase to support a healthy immune function,  lipase to help digest fats, and amylase to help break down sugars and starches.
  4. Amino acids. Amino acids form the building blocks of protein and affect our brain. There are 22 total amino acids our bodies require. The good news is that 20 of them are found in the gel of the Aloe Vera plant. Some of the more well-known include leucine, lysine, tryptophan, threonin and isoleucine. 
  5. Sugars. Not all sugar is bad for you. The skin of the Aloe Vera plant contains mono and polysaccharides, long chain sugars involved in maintaining a strong immune system. Some of the polysaccharides even adhere to the intestinal lining where they form a protective layer inhibiting the absorption of unwanted elements into your system. 
  6. Saponins. Saponins are the filmy, soapy substance found in the gel. It is the saponins content that ancients treasured for cleansing.