Sideritis syriacaThree population classification: Growth: Angiospermsklasa: Magnoliopsidarendi: Lamialesfamily: Lamiaceegjinia: Sideritislloji: Sideritis syriacaScientific construction: Sideritis syriaca 

Sideritis, otherwise known as the Tea of ​​Mount, or in Arber, "the Scutina of Saint Mary" is a herb that is deeply rooted in its medical properties. It grows to the east of the Mediterranean, especially the Balkans. Sideritis is a plant known as mountain tea. These plants are wild, adapted to survive with little water and little soil. Mountain tea grows on rocky slopes and pastures above 1,000 feet.


Very popular in Albania, Kosovo, Greece, Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia, this plant is used as a herb or for preparing tea or for its aromatic properties in local kitchens. Preparation of the tea is done as follows: Once it is cleaned, pour it into boiling water. Cover with a lid and take off the wipe and leave it covered with a lid so that no aroma can be released until the serving time. When servings can be poured honey and lemon. Mountain tea helps digestion, strengthens the immune system and treats common cold, flu and other viruses, allergies and asthma, sinus congestion, and even light pain and anxiety. It is accompanied with various kinds of biscuits, with cakes, pies and so on.