St. John's Wort

The curative properties of a herbaceous plant that naturally grow everywhere are popular worldwide.

The wide use of this plant in folk medicine or in various medicinal products gives it a special importance to its cultivation. Both for the consumer and for the producer, regarding the economic aspect.

It has been used for years, especially mixed with olive oil, as a curative and regenerative balm. It is used in cases of cut, burns and wounds, but also as a soothing tea.

Research conducted in recent years shows that this plant can help cure light and medium forms of depression.

Moreover, these researches add that this plant has fewer and lighter side effects than antidepressant medications.

But flower can interact with certain medications that are taken to cure depression. Therefore, it should always be taken under medical supervision.

This flower, boiled in the form of a tea, can be used for problems related to insomnia, mood swings, anxiety and depression.

Medical Values

In many studies, the results of using basan blossom in the treatment of depression indicate that this plant affects as well as antidepressants for the treatment of depression but has minor side effects. experts explain that this plant has the capacity to increase the production of chemical substances that produce brain such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine.

These courses are responsible for improving humor.

Mixture of olive oil with basil flower - Balm that comes through the years

Mixing olive oil with basan flowers creates a mass that in many cultures around the world is considered a magic balm.

In our country this preparation is prepared by following this way.

The flowers are thrown into a bottle of olive oil and this measure is left in a dark environment for forty days.

After this time, when the floral black seeds have released their pigment and the oil has got the characteristic red color, then this mixture can be used to cure the wounds of the exterior dieal.

It can also be consumed by drinking a tablespoon a day to cure various stomach, liver diseases, and more.

The oil is also used for the treatment of various forms of gastritis.

Cultivation of this plant and its use in various preparations of folk medicine constitutes an area of ​​interest for scientific research