Starting December 13, 2023, the Supreme Nutrition Products manufacturer requires all authorized resellers to raise the fees of items sold on eBay. Individual offices and websites will not need to raise their prices.

Manjistha Supreme™ is an herb for lymphatic detoxification. It also helps with general detoxification, is an anti-inflammatory, and helps with anxiety.

Primary Usage:

  • Lymph Detoxification*

  • Anti-inflammatory*

  • Anti-Anxiety*

  • Kidney & Blood Detoxification*

Manjistha is a supreme Lymphatic tonic*. It has a long history of being used in India to treat disorders of the lymphatics*. Research has shown its efficacy as an antioxidant, muscle relaxer, anti-seizure, and anti-anxiety remedy*. The herb has also been shown to be an immune stimulant; one trial demonstrated an increase in white blood cells by 151%*. We tend to think of it mostly as a lymphatic drainer and an anti-inflammatory for the musculoskeletal and gastrointestinal systems as well as an anti-anxiety herb*.


Take 2 capsules 2x per day


Manjistha Supreme™ is packaged in a bottle of 90 veggie caps, each containing approximately 360 mg of Rubia cordifolia without fillers, binders or excipients.

No known contraindications


Manjistha may temporarily turn urine orange or brown.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.