The award-winning and critically acclaimed Wireless Theatre Company strives to keep radio theater alive and well. From the hilarious to the terrifying, this diverse collection features ten Wireless Theatre productions in a single volume: Spook Squad by Jim Spiers, directed by Jack BowmanIn this hilarious British comedy, a mismatched bunch of oddballs and geeks, along with a borderline-psychotic television presenter, venture to a haunted inn in England to record the first-ever episode of Spook Squad—a groundbreaking television show investigating the bizarre, the mysterious, and the supernatural.2010: Space Commander! by Stuart Price, directed by David BeckSince our bodies cannot genuinely explore space, why not get rid of them?Without wanting to trot out the already tired clichés about social networking sites being our main interaction or point out that, with gaming systems becoming so sophisticated, the next generation will spend an overwhelming amount of time interacting through the Internet, it seems obvious to us that we are already heading for a "body-free"� future. At first it seems awful, but when you think about it, it could provide many benefits once we get used to it.Dream On by Paul Ekert, directed by Tom BrazierRobert is having a dream about his dead ex-wife. The next night, there she is again, hauntingly familiar in the full personification of her monstrous personality. His current wife is unamused by his nocturnal flirtation with the dead past.As dreams and realit